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Posts posted by soon2bmrsspd

  1. Posting mostly so I can subscribe and follow your inspiration. This is wonderful. My kids got the Kinect for Christmas, and I after seeing how awesome it was, and doing days of research on fitness games for it, I went out and purchased a workout game and the Zumba Fitness game. I have been doing the workout one off and on, but have been too scared to try the Zumba. I have always wanted to do it, but am not much of a dancer, so hense the reason I decided to try it at home first. After reading your thread, I think I might just go try it now.


    I have enjoyed reading about your food stories, as I have been trying harder to stay away from the processed food and eating out for my family as well, I am just not much of a food planner, so this will be a complete lifestyle change for me, but one that is needed for us all. I have about 25 pounds to loose before my June cruise, but I want to keep it off, so I need to change some things. Weight was never an issue with me before, until recently, I blame it on age, lol as after 30 everything started going downill for me.


    Keep up the good work, and I look forward to following your posts!!!

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