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Posts posted by Bretagne

  1. We are scheduled to be in Acapulco on the Norwegian Encore on November 8. That will be only 2 weeks after the storm. Given the devastation I will not be surprised if that stop is cancelled. 

    To cancel also hurts the people who make money on tourists but the infrastructure I imagine will not be ready. 

    According to one website the Oceana Vista was supposed to be there today. According to their route shown on cruisemapper they didn’t stop there. 

  2. I used scopolamine patches on my first cruise. As I recall they are about $10 each and last 3 days. During the cruise they worked well. However, after the cruise I ended up being one of those rare cases where I had withdrawal sickness.


    About 24 hours after removing the patch I began to feel very sick - like a bad case of motion sickness. I had to put another patch on to get home from Rome then I went through withdrawal at home. It was not fun. I used high doses of Meclizine to blunt it but never want to go through that again.


    Scopolamine is a powerful drug. It is used by oncologists as an anti nausea medication for chemotherapy patients. In higher doses it was used by the ****s as a "truth drug". When I was changing patches one day on the cruise the new patch made me loopy for about 20 minutes.


    Scopolamine comes from a plant in Columbia. If you really want to see how powerful it is watch this documentary from VICE on YouTube titled "the scariest drug in the world".


    My second cruise I just used Meclizine. :)



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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