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Posts posted by bajadenny

  1. Good to see that there are non-judgmental folks on Cruise Critic. Maybe it is the name (Critic) that draws out the best in people.


    Strident postings and self-assured, inaccurate commenting can sour the open communications supplied by this forum.


    TT, it should be fairly obvious what 'tude was projected by too many of the passengers on that cruise, somewhat reflective of the postings on this thread.


    TT, I wasn't able to find those "other postings" before the cruise that you referenced in your post, below. In any case, I will try to quell your curiosity over the clientele on the ship.


    Regent crashed the prices on all levels of cabins during the last three weeks prior to departure. With that, all nature of Brits and "local" Floridians toppled into the soup, drawn in by ridiculously cheap fares. The Brits got glued together in a big ball of silver hair to loudly discuss their good fortune over finding low prices for their 4th or 10th time in the Carib. The Floridians' conversations seemed limited to comparing what gated community they lived in or what life saving surgeries they had accumulated, while lighting one cigarette with the dying butt of another. They did expand their loud conversations as the cruise went on to remembrances of their neighborhood restaurants (many no longer exist) and favorite dishes when they lived in New Jersey, New York and Conn.


    We did have pleasant times with a Peruvian couple, some folks from Toronto, Nashville and Santa Barbara. They were equally shocked by what the cheap prices dredged up.


    Ya'll have a nice life, OK?

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