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Posts posted by panbear

  1. I am hoping that someone here can give me some guidance.

    I do realize try to understand that POS do face challenges we, so called "average sized passengers" don't even think about. I am not trying to cause trouble here but what is the proper etiquette when dealing with a POS next to you. I don't want to fat shame but I don't feel I should have to give up part of my seat for someone else either. How should we have handled this?


    Hi Ski-Lady,

    I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I'm embarrased for the person that treated you that way, he sounds like a rude person, regardless of his size!!! I am a POS and I can assure you that you will get not argument from me when it comes to extra seats. If you cannot fit, you should get another one. I know I get flack from some other POS on this matter but I stand firm. Everyone has paid to have a enjoyable flight (well as much as you can cramped in a tin can!!!) and I don't believe that anyone has the right to encroach on anyone else space.

    Having said that there are numerous ways to help stop this from happening (aside from him being a complete jerk which he sounds like!!). I have said it again and again when it comes to travel as a POS, research, research, research and then some more research. For example, many airlines will charge you the extra seat but refund it if the plane is not full (Alaska, Delta etc) so I make sure I choose a flight that I know won't be busy. Or go first class. Much more room there etc. There are options out there for POS to travel in comfort and it not be an issue for anyone else. If we are all respectful then it will never be an issue.

    As for how he treated you I am sure you were shocked. Not that you want to start an in flight fight or anything but politely asked that things be done is absolutely acceptable and you should not feel bad for it!!! If the person will not listen then I'm sure the steward will look after it. It has nothing to do with "fat shame" as his behaviour was not a result of being fat, he was being a jerk (perhaps because he knew he was causing an issue and it's a coping mechanism) and that kind of behaviour is just not acceptable.



    I know for sure Air Canada and WestJet (perhaps others) offer a free second seat for all domestic flights to POS. There is a lengthy procedure involved. You have to have a form filled out at the doctor, you can only book through the medical department etc so on but this will save you an amazing amount of stress and headache. I have had a permanent medical file for this for over 5 years now and it's the best thing I ever did. I only use up a bit of the extra seat but as I said before it's not fair to whoever might be sitting beside me so I take care of it. If you do get this be sure that when you are checking in you tell the person you have a second seat and go to the person at the gate and tell them too. Sometimes if it's a full flight they get confused as there count is out due to the empty seat and you don't want them filling it by mistake!!!!! LOL


    Hope everyone has a great day and happy travels wherever they may take you!!!

  2. Ms Rabbit is right research research research. I love cruisedeckplans.com. Not only able to see where you don't want your cabin but they have tonnes of pics of cabins. I don't make a booking without it!!!!! Just enjoy. I remember how worries I was but after I just politely but firmly made my needs known and relaxed about what I couldn't do it was all good!!!!!!!

  3. I really wanted to thank everyone for their input. Some ideas I hadn't thought about, esp that it may be a nuisance!!!! :)


    I believe I am fairly straight forward and I can see how that would be helpful to someone in their position. I work with many people in my job and there is nothing more frustrating than someone thinking you are a mind reader, I usually get it wrong!!


    Thank you again, I will spend some nice fantasy time dreaming up ways to really enjoy my time.



  4. Good day all, Suggestions needed.


    My upcoming cruise will be the first time with a butler and concierge service.

    People have said that the butler deals with room issues, the concierge deals with outside the room.

    My question is, how have you best utilized their services in the past and what is considered appropiate tipping.

    Thanks so much

  5. I loved the Pearl, even through some amazing rough seas it was fun!!! And very size friendly. I asked for armless chairs ahead of time and it was never a problem. I also found that some of the chairs were actually bigger than I thought when I tried them. Theatre chairs worked out ok. Not really comfortable but I fit so that's all I cared about. If you want to be really comfy, check out the lounger beds in the spinnaker. I could have slept there!!! LOL

  6. [quote name=redhotmermaid2

    I love love love the pearl have been on twice in a handicap cabin extra big nice nice nice staff. The theater has big chairs and sofas in the back .


    Is that the Stardust Theater with big chairs and sofas? Where were they? We went into the theater last Feb and I had a difficult time with the regular seating. Will be back there this November and would like to see some of the shows. Thank You.[/quote]


    Hi Kenosha,

    The bench/handicap seating is usually at the upper back of the theatres. You have to up the stairs or access it from the upper level. If you go to http://www.ncl.com/cruise-ship/pearl/overview then on the right hand side midway down there is a 360 virtual tour. Open that up and look for the theatre. When the camera pans around the upper seating is to the left and right overlooking the regular seats. Looks like the "fancy" section but it has bench seating up there.


    Hope that helps


  7. Quote:

    I have one cruise booked on the NCL Dawn for next February and I'm looking at a NCL cruise for this November


    Hi Izzy,

    You didn't mention if you have sailed on the Dawn before? I was on last year and it was no issues at all. The layout a bit weird at times so there are some stairs if you don't want to be held up by the elevators. But as far as seating etc, no issues. If there was a table with arms I just politely asked for one without and it was done no questions.

    I booked a handicap room as my weight is in my hips and a regular bathroom was out of the question. I am going on the Pearl soon and doing a cabin crawl so I will be interested to see what the other rooms are like.


    I hope you have a great time.


  8. Congrats on booking your new cruise panbear!


    We are leaving tomorrow morning for a B2B on Carnival Breeze. I am hoping to take pictures of chairs in different venues as well as bathroom stalls etc.


    We need armless chairs on the balcony and plan on visiting the Customer Service desk as soon as we board. Hopefully they'll be willing to bring down a couple armless chairs from the upper outside decks for us. If not, we might have to sneak the chairs down ourselves. We're on the ship for 2 weeks and really need use of our balcony!


    Bon Voyage everyone!



    Have an amazing time!!!!!!!!!!

  9. YYYAAAA. Just booked my next cruise. Just a short one but so Canadian I couldn't resist. I am going with a group called the Giggle Dam theatre. They do a comedy theatre around Vancouver BC and are hosting events on the cruise. 29Sep from Vancouver to LA. Short and in my time zone so flights are cheap as well. Booked the handicap room again. I would love to say I could go in a regular one but it would bad for everyone all the way around!!!!


    Glad to see this thread continuing, it has been a source of great information and great people!!!!

  10. Good luck with your upcoming flight!


    even though i buy a 2nd seat, i'm always stressed until the gate door is closed. Airlines are notorious about overbooking and i'm always afraid that they're going to insist i give up my 2nd seat. Or there's some computer glitch and they think i accidentally have 2 seats and book someone else in my 2nd seat. I know that's just paranoia, but i really, really hate flying lol.


    Hello again Miss Rabbit,

    Just a note I've found about the second seat thing that you may not know. When I check in at the gate I make sure the attendant is aware of the second seat (yes it's possible they don't!!) also if there is a different attendant actually checking people in at the gate I notify them as well. Reason is that the second person is actually doing "head counts" to advise if there is available seats to sell. If they don't know about your second seat and count 2 for you, there can be trouble. Ever since I have stuck to this rule I have never had an issue. Learned the hard way the first time!!!!!

    I never feel pressure about the the second seat, they way I figuire, does someone really wanted to be squished in beside me anyways??? :)


    Looking at booking a river cruise in Europe. The hubby has finally agreed that he may like that type of cruising. Now if I could only convince him to sail across to get there.........;)

  11. Just a suggestion for something that has helped me. I found a cane that folds into a tiny stool (okay, not comfy, but enough to get me off my feet for a minute.) This is such a great invention! It means I can go all sorts of places without a wheelchair. It is awesome! I got mine from Magellan's, but that one only goes up to 300 pounds. Has anyone else used something like this, maybe found one with a slightly bigger seat? I always get questions and comments about it when people see it, they want one too! I know everyone says it, but I am so glad I found this thread!


    I haven't found a cane one that holds bigger, but Magellans has a Walkstool that folds really small and has a carry pouch but when set up holds 495. Might help? :)

  12. Hello all!! Sorry I have been a bit absent but I try. I was catching up on the posts and just few notes. (some may be from way back so bear with me!!!)

    - Take a look at Junonia.com if you are looking for some active/swimwear. They have some amazing options in that category.

    - Also for the great big guys in our life try kingsizedirect.com they have some options up to 80inch waist. Or Bigmen.com they have great customer service, have been in bus for a very long time.

    - get your own seat belt extender at extend-its.com. By far the best POS item I have bought!!!!!

    - Go to magellans.com and look up the Walkstool. It shrinks up tiny, like they say it looks like a thermos but it is rated to 440pds I think. It really is amazing and a life saver if you get stuck waiting for a long period of time.

    Hope this helps out for some ideas on mobility issues. Anything that makes the trip more enjoyable.

  13. The Haven looks wonderful. Kind of a mix of the Courtyard on previous ships and the Serenity outdoor area on Carnival.


    I looked at the pics and it seems they still have the toilet wedged between the shower wall and the vanity, but it might be doable. we'll see. I was all set to go on Carnival Breeze for my next cruise (after the one i'm on in March), but now this is tempting me back to NCL>


    Yes similiar ideas. I just like the idea of it. Not trying to be snooty or anything but I just like the idea of a peaceful place when I pay so much money to get to the ports. Perhaps I'm just getting older!!!;) I sure wish my husband would cruise with me, it would make it so much more fun!! But I have a travel buddy so he can sit home and pout!!



    I really should check other lines, but I just love NCL. Perhaps I'll spend some surf time and check it out!!

    I wish there was more sailing on the west coast. Not as many places to go I guess but the airfare is really what kills me most of the time. Even to get to Vancouver is major expensive. That's why I'm trying to plan in the spring, I can drive, leave my car at a friends and probably pay for a chunk of my cruise!!!! :)

  14. What is this Breakaway ship you speak of? I think i'm going to have to hit up google!


    btw, we have the same name :)


    Well the name explains the excellent taste!!!! ;) I don't blame you for the rolling over and taking it part. I don't either!!! :) If you need back up you just let me know!!!!


    Ah the Breakaway, you can check it out on NCL it's one of their new ships. I have been checking it closely after a friend pointed out that they may have finally figuired out that "water closets" are so severly outdated. I mean even my skinny travel partner was horrified at the size of the reg. cabin bathrooms. It's just not nice, esp if travelling with a friend that it's not nice to leave the door open!!! You can check it all out. Seems quite nice.

    I didn't use all the money I saved for about 14 years on my last holiday and I am seriously thinking about going all out and booking a room with access to The Haven. (private courtyard) I figuire why the heck not!!!!


    Of course I just need to make a decision of some sort, seems like I want to go and do everything!!!!!!!! :D

  15. Glad to hear that everything worked out OK for you.


    However regarding the refunding of the extra seat ticket your post is somewhat confusing. You state early in your post that you flew Alaska Airlines but later in your post mention AA which is American Airlines. The code for Alaska Airlines is AS so which airlines actually refunded the cost of the extra seat ?


    Also is it that specific's airline's policy to always refund the cost of the extra seat ? Or was it refunded because the flight did not fly full? FYI most airlines will refund the cost of the extra seat if the plane did not fly full not just AS or AA.



    Sorry about the confusion!! Shouldn't type this late at night. I was flying Alaska Airlines. The airline's policy is to refund the cost of the seat if the plane is not full. However, I had heard nightmares about actually getting the money back. I was simply letting you all know that they were very good about it and very professional when dealing with.



  16. Good day all!!! Miss Rabbit I have missed your upbeat messages. I sailed on the NCL Dawn in Feb and loved every minute of it. I wanted to pass on a few experiences of mine that might help all the flufflies out there!!!

    --- We booked a HC room and then promptly met up with some other people in a "reg" cabin. Thank goodness we booked HC. I would not have had a good trip at all in those bathrooms. (I am so excited by the new Breakaway ship, the reg bathrooms look awesome, thinking of booking for 2013!!!)

    ---- There was much walking on the ship due to the layout but I am quite able in the respect so it wasn't too bad. I don't think we ran into one restaurant that had arms. Wait there may have been one, but I just quietly asked for a chair without and viola, my wish was their command. If they were thinking anything bad, it certainly didn't show!!

    --- The only tender stop at Dom. Reb I wasn't feeling too well and didn't make it, however, my friend said it was no problem. Small step and the staff was wonderful.

    --- I flew from Vancouver to Orlando on Alaska airlines. I purchased an extra seat. (made my friend happy, she had sleeping room!!) I was very grateful I did this. It would have been a nightmare. I am an true blue pear shape and the seats would just not have fit. ****one special note, when you are flying with an extra seat be sure to make a point to tell the person working at the actual check in gate***** They sometime assume there is a spare seat because the body count doesn't match. I made sure to let them know and never had a problem. I have to say the people working with Alaska Airlines were FRICKIN FANTASTIC!! I though perhaps it was just one gate but we boarded and went on 4 different planes and each time they were professional and very courteous. Again if they were thinking anything else they didn't show it.

    --- On the note about the extra seat policy. I know that for some it is an added expense that is very difficult to swallow but here's some tips that might help.

    --- if you live in Canada, Air Canada has a seat policy that if you go to the doctor and get a form filled out you can get an extra seat for free anywhere in Canada. It is a bit more difficult in the states (hence why we fly AA) but possible as well. Amazed at how many people may not know that.

    ---- Also I paid quite a bit for my extra seats on AA but felt it was necc. and I am blessed to be able to afford it. But as a bonus.... when I got home I sent in the paperwork with all the details they asked for in a very nicely worded email as per their policy and voila.... 2 weeks later I was refunded the full fair of my US flights for my extra seats. They will do this if there is only 1 unsold seat on the plane. I was amazed and very grateful to have over 800.00 back!!!!!


    I guess the best I can tell is do the homework. Get the airlines policies and don't be afraid to ask extra questions. Dig dig dig. It certainly paid off for me and I enjoyed my whole trip!!!


    Let me know if there is anything else that I can tell you!!!


    Take care all


  17. Everything is booked and ready to go. I must admit after giving advice to Miss Rabbit, I find myself a bit nervous about the trip. Actually I'm not so worried about the cruise as the flying!!! Nothing like being a fluffy person in a steel tube at 30,000ft stuffed into a 17 inch seat cause they "accidently" screwed up and gave away the second seat!!!


    Ok now that I got that out I feel better. Whatever happens I will just let the sun soak it out of me!!!!



  18. Hi there seadrifter,

    I was also so relieved to find this thread. I have laughed and cried reading back through every posting. You are not crazy and fully entitled to your feelings and thoughts.

    I am also a fluffy woman (ok I'm quite a large lady!!) I am also cruising soon in Feb. I have been on one cruise before and I was large then. I can't really relieve all your feelings as I know of what you speak. That horrible feeling that you are all everyone is staring at and feel horrible. I guess all I can say is just try to enjoy it. Even if they stare at you, believe me it will be for a second before their attention is elsewhere. Just like bad news on the front page, sooner or later it's back with the classifieds and no one is paying attention. That is one of the great things about cruising. You will find all sizes, shapes and colors and believe me you will not be the only one!!! I found that if I just walk like I owned it there may have been some stares and snickers but too bad. I paid just like everyone else, I am a human and I belong like everyone else. I also found some great friends there were of a "birds of feather" so to speak. Some fluffies just like me, we were a force to be reckon with I tell ya. Long story about a hot pink dress and the macarena!! LOL. As for you husband, I'm not sure how supportive etc he is. Just work out some compromise. You can go ashore, perhaps he can go off and do something as you hang about the pier stores etc. Or perhaps at a stop you may not be so interested in book a his and her day at the spa. Facial and the such or hang about, you would be amazed how deserted a ship can be on port day. Sounds silly but you only live once and what the heck.

    As for the ship, I sailed on NCL but I found them very accommadating. I would politely and quietly ask for a chair without arms and voila it would appear!! Most of the staff are just great. Spend the first day checking things out. Where you may want to go or not go etc. And remember this is your vacation you have no requirements to be anywhere at any time. If it takes you 1/2 hour to walk somewhere, so what enjoy the sights and plunk along.

    Be comfortable. Don't bring a bunch of clothes you 'think you should'. Bring some nice comfortable clothes you like, and bring some broken in comfortable shoes. This is not the time to 'break in those brand new sandals'!!!! Or start wearing them now around the house.

    I also had no problem contacting the excursions and drilling them for details. What kind of transportation? Bench or not? How big? Air conditioned etc. I feel like as long as I polite they really don't know me personally so don't feel bad.

    Please try not to stay on the balcony. You don't want to go home, spent all the money and regret it all. You will miss the best parts and I am sure you did not pay to watch the world go by on the balcony. I sincerly hope you enjoy your trip, own it and enjoy it!!!! :)

  19. My cruise is coming up the end of next week and i'm starting to get stressed. It's such an undertaking. So much walking, so many people, so much going on. I also have Fibro and stress and excess walking really set it off.


    I've booked a few excursions and i'm just hoping and praying that i'll be able to physically climb in and out of the boats, swim to shore etc like i believe i'll be able to do.


    Walking around in shorts and swimsuit & sleeveless tanks also can be stressful as so many people point and stare or say rude things.


    How can a trip that i'm so excited for, also bring such stress and anxiety?


    Anyway, I just needed to talk about it. My husband is very understanding about it all but can't truly "get it" as he doesn't have to deal with it himself.


    THanks for listening. I wish you all the best on your upcoming cruises.


    I do hope you are able to relax and enjoy!! If you are tuckered out than just sit by the pool and watch the clouds go by!!! I know we try to be tough but we are all mushy on the inside and it hurts sometime.

    As I loaded this page up my friend posted comment on her facebook I thought was appropiate. I believe that Dr. Seuss is one of the best philosophers out there!!!


    "Always do what you want, and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss. :)


    <far away hugs>

  20. It's ok for them to be thorough. I also told them that if I could get some exact information on the cabins I may be able to make another room work. They are going to get back to me.

    I'm not going to worry about it either way. Either I go or I don't. We all have too much in our lives to be stressed out about our holidays that are suppose to destress us!!!! :)

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