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Limpet's Nephew

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Posts posted by Limpet's Nephew

  1. All of these listed give more than a passing glance at the identity of the ship in question:


    Table For Five was filmed extensively aboard the Vistafjord with endless shipboard shots on stormy seas.


    There's an episode of Kolchak the Night Stalker filmed aboard the SS France.


    The Achille Lauro Incident was filmed extensively aboard Achille Lauro(!), with various aspects of the very '70s interiors of the ship in full view for the entire film. The equally tragic Rebecca Shafer played the heroine.


    About 25 minutes of Munster Go Home takes place aboard SS United States.


    Voyage of the Damned was atmospherically filmed aboard the revamped SS Irpinia.


    Juggernaut was filmed aboard MS Hamburg/Maxim Gorky - excellent shipboard shots of very vivid '70s interiors (orange, green, blue and white walls and white/orange plastic Scandinavian furniture) and the ship plowing though moody, heavy seas. Hannibal Lechter, err... Anthony Hopkins plays a major role in this film.


    An episode of the Benny Hill show filmed aboard SS Canberra.


    A 30 minute scene from one of the episodes of the "Tales of The City" miniseries was filmed aboard MS Sagafjord.

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