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Posts posted by jasper2012

  1. I have a high metabolism and have never had to lose large amounts of weight. The most I have ever lost is 22 lbs. I am 6'2" and 195 lbs. I could lose a few more but I am Ok with anything under 200 lbs.


    But I have always done protein smoothies. I recommend the egg protein rather than the whey, soy, or vegetable proteins. It absorbs fast and is easy to digest.


    I recently changed to liquid egg protein its better than the powders you can cook with it, make omelets or make smoothies with it.

    You can check it our here https://www.eggwhitesint.com/



    The first step is to cut off the sugar. If you crave something sweet eat a piece of organic fruit. Unsweetened organic applesauce is one of my favorites. Don't eat junk with the artificial sweeteners. While it doesn't have the calories that stuff is not could for you. Go Organic as much as you can.


    I don't worry about consuming fat. I eat bacon,steaks, pork all the time. slowly cut back the carbs. I cant get rid of them completely but I don't ever go for seconds. Don't ever eat fast food and never anything fried.


    Grilled chicken, Fish, Steak, pork are fine. Fresh organic veggies are good too. Find a local farmers market. You will pay more but you will get more nutrition form your food with out empty calories.


    If you have a freezer find a place to buy grass fed organic beef. We usually split a side of beef with another family.


    This is a big one, don't drink you calories, unless its a protein smoothie. I drink nothing but water. Cut out the caffeine completely. Its hard at first but once you get rid of it you will feel better. Most people drink coffee, soda, wine, and beer. Start getting rid of them one at a time. Get rid of the soda first, then the beer, then the coffee. A small quantity of wine can actually be good for you, so if you want to keep that one its ok as long as the only other thing you drink is water.


    Its not about just losing weight its more and about healthy nutrition and life style change . I cheat sometimes my weakness is peanut butter cups and i have been know to eat some pancakes. . But because the rest of my diet is so healthy I can get away with it.


    I hope you like eggs because that is the go to food when you cant figure out what to eat. So many ways to prepare them and its fast and easy. Another one of my favorites is sushi. Tuna Sashmi is my favorite, But if you cant do the raw sushi try getting the Ahi Tuna. It like a steak but very tender and usually served seared on the outside and a rare in the center.


    Have fun and remember that after most diets people gain the weight back because they start eating the same bad foods. Think of you body like a machine and give it the best fuel you can. Don't forget the vitamins.


    If you want to lose weight faster start exercising . You may not see the results on the scale but you will see them in the way your clothes fit. Muscle weighs more than fat, so it is possible to gain a few lbs and still lose inches off the waist. While I weigh myself everyday I am more concerned with how my clothes fit and how I feel than my actual weight.

  2. Cruised when:

    The Royal wedding

    Hurricane Katrina hit

    Bin Ladan found

    Left NYC in a hurricane (don't remember the name)skipped Boston going to NE and Canada

    Super Bowl when Giants won

    Returned from a Cruise after Hurricane Sandy no electric in terminal NYC

    Cruised when Explorer of the Sea hit something leaving Samana

    Cruised Explorer when the ship arrived one day late to port (needed to bring a very sick passenger back to PR for medical attention

    John Ritter my favorite actor died

    So I agree we are kinda connected onboard a cruise ship.


    Not cruising but on vacation in Las Vegas at 9/11 Very strange to see LasVegas Blvd empty and sad to see all the Memorials people put in front of the New York New York hotel. Frightening not knowing when we would get home to metro NY.


    Hi Etski


    I was also in Las Vegas on 9/11. Was stuck there for a while without a way home. And for a man that does not drink or gamble it was a long week. I will never forget that Day.

  3. The weekend is here

    Lets not drink too much beer


    Instead of chocolate

    Rub a coin in your pocket


    Put the ice cream away

    Listen to music and sway


    If you eat food from a box

    You will gain like eating rocks


    If you eat food from a farm

    No problems no Harm.


    You don’t have to be a mechanic

    To know its better if it’s organic.


    So exercise and try to eat healthy

    Sleep tight and dream about being wealthy

  4. I weigh myself everyday. Thursday was 194. I am good with that weight. I prefer 190. A few years a go I was 212 and even though I am a tall man I was not happy with that. I was down to 190 before halloween but put on 10 lbs between then and New Years. It helps that I was sick this week and did not eat for two days. Spring break trip in March with my son. So hopefully I can lose the other 4 lbs.


    You might not think that the difference between 212 and 190 is that much but I have three size of pants in my closet depending on how many Slurpees and peanut M&Ms I am eating.


    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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