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Posts posted by C2C2C

  1. Thank you - no turkey for us this year; we're leaving for Venice on Wednesday and I didn't want to have a bunch of leftovers to deal with. As soon as I see turkey on the menu on the Westerdam, I'm ordering it because I really missed not having one this year.


    Smooth Sailing! :) :) :)

    Happy Thanksgiving to fellow Canadians. Much to be thankful for. We are happy to have turkey'd yesterday with eastern portion of our pan-Canada family; west by phone and video.


    Venice departure one not to be missed; cameras a must. And, if someone calls on all to turn around for photo, do it, as we didn't get into the travelogue video for ignoring it.


    Happy Columbus Day to fellow American cruisers (history re-writers aside).

  2. There is a small area with seating across from the starboard side entrance to the Vista Lounge. Although not "hidden" it was rarely used that we saw.

    This is the one I was thinking of. The seating came in handy when I wanted to review my videos away from the stateroom and not disturb the public or have waiters constantly question my needs.

  3. Great positive review ; could see you were running out of superlatives. And it brought back memories.


    Our first cruise was a 32 day b2b Mediterranean Romance and TA to FLL but that was in the NA's inaugural year 2010. Good to hear that there are some new features though we were more than happy with the ship back then being so new.


    Being basically creatures of habit, we would not hesitate in going with the NA should the stars align.


    That review-



  4. With a bit of luck you should fine. Might even make all the ports. I've been on in worse weather in NE and had a great time. If it get rough ands going up and down real good, go to the front of the Princess Theater and sit down. Now when the ship start to go down put you hands up and scream like you're on a rollercoaster:eek:


    Seriously have a great time.




    You mean do the wave as they do at the game? :D

  5. We did the NA inaugural TA starting in Venice. In Catania Sicily, a woman shoved her baby in my face and I guess her young daughter was to do her bit, however I had jumped backward instead of grabbing the baby so nothing happened.


    Our priest got aboard in Barcelona and at the first mass notified us that he was shakened as he was relieved of personal effects, including his passport, in the Barcelona metro. We had successfully done the evening tapas tour, including the Gothic District, without incident with any members of the tour group.

  6. Carpets carpets.

    We were on the inaugural TA in 2010 and it seems that, since then, there has been more complaints on these boards about the condition of carpets than I can count. Hope they don't replace them with some unsightly heavy duty material.


    Being creatures of habit and probably returning to the NA by 2016, we may get a chance to see whatever upgrades do ensue on this beautiful ship.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to fellow Canadian cruisers!

    We celebrated yesterday due to family and friends having to travel today.

    Hope Ger_77 is spending some time in Barcelona to experience the sites and atmosphere. We did the Inaugural NA TA in 2010 and have been considering a re-do at some time in order to explore further.


    Happy Columbus Day to our American friends! Barcelona is the site of a monumental moment where the explorer is depicted on a high pedestal, pointing, and saying "Mamma mia! I forgot to download a map update on my GPS!"

  8. Have to agree that Venice is a must. On our only cruise, a B2B with about 17 ports (some repeats), we were asleep during most arrivals and otherwise preoccupied during many departures (DW usually would take nap between shore excursions and the MDR).

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