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Posts posted by rotting_hell

  1. Thanks for the AWESOME :D review!!! Looks like ya'll had a BLAST!!! :)


    I love this ship! We sailed the Fantasy twice so far, from our experiences the staff has been the best of any of our cruises!!! We are looking into sailing her again in October/November with the same ports you sailed.


    We went on the Dream in October, Funship Freddy must have been in hiding as we never saw him, was Freddy hiding on the Fantasy also? :confused:

  2. And on the lighter side..... Carnival gave us an eight day cruise for the price of seven, a higher bar tab (our own fault, lol) many drinks purchased on extra day, a rockin extra good nights sleep, room service, good food, great photos of the blue ocean, nice talks with fellow passengers and crew, strength in our legs attempting to stay planted upright while walking about and most important an extra day of spending time with my wife. :D

  3. Great Job on the Review!!! :D


    I'm also a CC junkie and somehow missed your thread, I found it last night and read all 40 pages from start to present post, I subscribed. Between your writing style, ship details, shore details and the awesome pictures, I stayed interested for all 40 pages! :)


    I could not even imagine the hours put into this review.


    Thank you very much, looking forward to the rest!!!! :D


    Cheers!!!! ;)

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