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Posts posted by Love2Dance4Me!

  1. We are on the August 21, 2023 Apex sailing and the itinerary dropped St. Petersburg and replaced it with overnights in both Stockholm and Copenhagen.  I am very happy with this change.  Was in St. Petersburg back in 1992 and while it was good to see I am glad to be able to spend more than a few hours in both overnight cities.

  2. 57 minutes ago, RichYak said:

    Yes 100%. I strongly recommend ordering the 3-pack to have a backup just in case. I needed to put that backup plan into action last month as one of the activation liquid droppers was bone dry.

    I will be making appts at the CVS here at home first thing in the morning on Friday before we start our drive down, and in Stuart, FL for Friday evening incase we have any issue with the at home tests.  Hopefully I will be able to cancel the CVS tests.  

  3. On 11/11/2021 at 11:30 AM, C-Dragons said:

    We did the Binax AG Now tests. Not including the prep, it took 15 minutes.

    I just ordered the Binax AG Now proctored test from Optum for our Dec 5th Edge sailing.  I ordered the 2 pack.   Can I use one for myself and the other one for my husband.  Just wondering because when I did the little questionnaire to purchase it led me to think that one test was for departure and the other one for return.  It said I did not qualify to purchase when I only checked that I needed the test for embarkation on a cruise.  When I clicked that I also needed it return to my home county, it let me purchase.  Thanks for your help.

  4. Its not working for me either, but had bookmarked the User CP page earlier.


    Go here: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/usercp.php


    It has links to subscriptions, etc that still work.


    Thanks for the link! I was able to update my signature. I thought it was just me having "user error" but can see from all the comments its a site problem. Anyone know where the countdown clocks disappeared to or have they been eliminated completely? It's been a few months since I needed to create one.

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