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Posts posted by saks

  1. We got off of the Fantasy yesterday. I don't think I have ever been so happy to get on dry land in my life! From the time we left Nassau on Tuesday until we docked yesterday morning the boat rocked like I have never see before. 8 foot seas, white caps, the wind blowing=people getting sick, especially the kids. It got so bad that I couldn't walk without holding on to something...and I wasn't drinking!!! Today my legs, ankles and feet arches are killing be from trying to keep myself balanced!!! Reminder to self......never cruise during hurricane season again!!! :eek:

  2. We will be sailing out of Charleston in just a few short weeks (:D:D:D) and I would like to decorate our teenage daughters door so that they will be able to find their room easier. When we cruised 4 or 5 years ago, there were a lot of doors decorated. Is it still allowed?



  3. We are leaving out of Charleston on 9/26...21 days!!! When we cruised 4 or 5 years ago, we saw a lot of decorated doors. Can you still do the whole door decoration thing? We are taking our 16 and 14 year old daughters and I want to decorate their door so they can find it! Thanks!!!:D


    Edited to add---thank you for such a great review!

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