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Posts posted by nytravellady

  1. I really adored the Splendor and that's the ONLY ship I've been on. LoL The decorations were pretty, the ship was spectacular and easy to navigate for a first time cruiser.


    This was 4 years ago though, it was a couple weeks before the fire onboard that stranded some cruisers. (We got lucky!)


    So happy for you! Friends were looking into booking on our sailing with us, but it would have been over $2k and out of their budget this close. (Darn!)

    WOW! You did get lucky! Glad you missed that! Maybe your friends can call them and mention the deal you received and hopefully get a little discount. Doesn't hurt to try!

    Thanks for your feedback! My brother,first timer, will need a ship that's very easy to navigate.The last thing i need is to have him "lost at sea!" LOL! :D Have a great time on your cruise! I think you are getting hooked! ;) You'll be on another before you know it!

  2. I received the same free cruise offer!! I have only been on 2 Carnival cruises and if possible could use some help deciding on a ship. I have narrowed it down to Breeze, Splendor, Conquest and Valor. So if you had your choice, which would you choose and why? Thanks for your help! BTW I will be traveling with a first time cruise.

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