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Posts posted by Vicar

  1. Oh Man this is hilarious.


    I saw this thread and kind of paid it no mind just by the title.


    Thank you Heather for telling me about it.


    Now let me get some of the things I read here straight:


    Some people are Tops and some are Bottoms and some don't care , Hmmmmmm no wonder those reporters found all that nasty stuff all over the Veendam *LOL*


    Heather is getting a group together called the FOEKERRs.


    Heather can my mother join this group?, and if so would she be known as Mother FOEKERR.


    Now I also see a few of you are looking for legal compensation for ruined keyboards and monitors.


    I think you people are missing the real issue here. I think that dangerous point on the end of the toilet paper roll that the steward has so recklessly left there, is a class action suit waiting to happen.


    I know if my delicate little tushy got impaled on that rapier sharp piece of TP, I wouldn't get off that potty, until I heard from HAL legal services.


    Oh well, different things are important to different cruisers , thats why there are so many different cruiselines.





    Thanks, for starting this whole thing, I LOVE THIS THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! *LOL* :) :) :)

  2. That $160,000 sounds a little steep.


    I was wondering if we could throw some depth charges overboard and just keep the fish that blow out of the water onto the Lido deck.


    Technically that is not considered fishing , so I wouldn't think that fee should apply.

  3. Bring your minks, rabbits, chinchilas what have you to the lido deck pool/slaughterhouse.


    I will already be there with the cows, i can whip you up a nice fur coat while the beef is aging.


    I just ask that you drop the minks off by noon if you want the coat ready by early seating.

  4. The kids dress code is very important


    When I am on the sports deck, rifle in hand, and I yell "PULL" , I don't want to see those "skeets" in jeans and T shirts and sneakers.


    It takes away from the sport



    :) :) :)

  5. Cactuslady



    yea where do you get friends like that?


    Whenever I tell my friends I am going on vacation , they tell me to bring THEM stuff back *LOL*


    I shouldn't totally say that. When I went on my honeymoon, the people at work sent us a beautiful fruit and food basket to our cabin

  6. I was thinking we could use Orcrones extra ship as livestock transport.


    I mean we are going to be having a lot of cattle

    chickens and pigs on that ship and just imagine all the room they will take up.


    Not to mention the smell once we hit the balmy Carribean.


    Better to keep them on their own ship and then have them tendered to the main ship as needed.

  7. Okay ladies I have been working out the details on this pageant



    Ladies of all ages are welcome to participate


    There will be Talent, Swim Suit, and Evening Gown competitions.


    and a special addition A Volcano Cake eating competition. *LOL*


    Contestants will also be judged on how they answer infamous randomly selected question they always ask at beauty contests.


    There will be a selection of Miss Congeniality.


    The winner will receive a lovely trophy suitable for throwing overboard *LOL*


    Rockettes are NOT eligible to enter *LOL*

  8. If i may be so bold , I would like to Emcee this whole show. I do a pretty good Ed Sullivan impression.


    Her let me show you.


    Ladies and gentlemen right here on our stage we have Orcrone and Skippy, the wrestleing alligator ....


    Lets here it for Orcrone and Skippy


    (applause, applause, applause)



    How was that? Sounded just like him huh?

  9. Great

    we can always use fresh cream for the coffee,


    just keep her away from the make shift pool/slaughterhouse on the Lido deck.





    Also just wondering about where to hang these babies after they are cut up


    Are the Cabanas and Clamshells refrigerated?

  10. Stillfrantic,



    Well the Lido deck ia a little more open, hence lending credence to the term "Free Range" *LOL*


    Hmmmmmm that is a good thought though. We will be needing two chain saws,


    One for butchering and one for room expansions

  11. Laffnvegas


    Yes I will be poolside ( or should I say inside the pool) carveing up fresh beef to order with my trusty McCullough, So bring on the cows !!!!!


    However if you could bring a Skil saw along.


    A Chain saw is really too clumsy to carve out a nice petite filet mignon.

  12. Orcrone


    Hmmmm we have Bagpipe players, and accordian players, and a drummer, and some Irish step dancers , and I am working on getting a couple of cloggers .


    Now we have the Rockettes and your alligator wrestler, and a juggler(hopefully he rides a unicycle while juggleing )


    hmmmmmm this is turning into what Ed Sullivan would have called a Really Big Show *LOL*


    This kind of star studded line up is just screaming for a big finale.


    I am thinking a seal playing "Mary Had A Little Lamb" on a long row of horns.

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