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Posts posted by dubberjas

  1. Pre-purchased gift cards are not non-refundable OBC. They're two different things.


    And I believe you can only buy $175 of pre-purchased gift cards... and if there are two of you, the DSC will eat $168 of that, so you should be fine.






    Ok got you just thought rather than starting another thread I should add to this. And btw I bought 500 in pre-purchased gift cards so it definitely can be done.

  2. I get it the first night making sure the averages tilt in your favor for the rest of the voyage !


    Enter as a liquid state and gradually exit in the solid state wow that was some metamorphosis !


    Also remember to be one up on the system - but the package pre-boarding !

    The reason im doing the package actually has more to do with me budgetting for it and not having to worry about pricing on board:)

  3. Honestly, the whole reason I drink is to get mildly intoxicated. Now, being fall down stupid drunk is a whole different story.


    One would assume they will prevent the latter. But then you know what they say about assuming.

    with you there mind you first night on a cruise I usually go pretty hard.

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