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Posts posted by anayl329

  1. I notice that you and others have mentioned not being nude on a private balcony because of modesty or similar beliefs. No problem, but to then say that you don't judge others who you would deem immodest for doing so is, well, judgmental. That's fine too because we all judge each other--it's human nature. I just think it's important to acknowledge it.





    I have to disagree....if we are discussing judgment in the form of critical or worthiness/unworthiness then stating ones views and beliefs isn't passing a judgement upon others beliefs or actions. I believe in free agency thus I do not pass judgment upon others for their beliefs and actions. I leave that up to God to do. If someone does something I do not agree with, it's not passing a judgement to tell them I disagree...rather my belief.

  2. Totally agree with all you said here...the OP assumes that people that don't want to do this or see this is because they think the body is "shameful". When in fact it may be a completely different reason. As for myself, I wouldn't do it because I was raised with the idea that my body is sacred and should ONLY be seen by my husband, myself, or a doctor if necessary. So, for myself the body isn't shameful...just sacred and I dress and act in a modest way. I don't judge others on what they do either. I just wanted to point out the OP shouldn't say others think it's "shameful" unless a person specifically makes that comment.





    I agree, that is then the way it should have been worded and therefore I wouldn't have felt it was "full of it". Sorry I was just going by the actual wording.


    I don't agree or disagree with your position on the explanation of children, nor do I really care as my children have far grown past the kiddie stage and have little ones of their own. However yes I did feel you were chastizing that poster (and perhaps it was borne from the threat). But they were just answering your question in your original post complete with an explanation and what they personally would do if they saw someone like you lounging "au naturel". And since they could not read minds to know that that really wasn't what you were trying to ask. In all fairness they were just answering.


    As for the threat, if you do offend someone because, as I said, regardless to you being told this is your "private balcony" (and I have read that write up on the NCL site). I wouldn't be a bit surprised, if I were you, to have a knock at your door asking you to refrain because it isn't private in the sense of others viewing only in the fact that the only people that can sit there is whoever you invite to join you. Think about this a resort may have the word "private beach" in their write up but they don't mean you get the pleasure of doing whatever you wish, but that outsiders (not staying at that resort) do not have the privelege of using it.


    In answer to your reworded, I have no idea. I personally wouldn't and that has nothing to do with naked=sexual but in turn the word modesty comes to mind. As well clothes are my best friend and they actually make me feel good. As I also said above basically to each their own and I am not about to judge what you wish to do.

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