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Posts posted by Duzzy

  1. More fall photos ... From yesterday in Ohiopyle PA State Park


    Happened to catch some kyakers (sp?) and a rafter going down the rapids, as well as a couple of crazy kids riding the natural water slides. I couldn't imagine how cold it was. That water's cold even on the hottest days!


    On to Ohiopyle ...






    Natural water slides ...



    Baughman's Rock Overlook ...


  2. ...


    Duzzy - Your first attempt a fireworks? Are you sure? They look great! A good fireworks image contunues to elude me.




    Thanks! I've wanted to try for so long, but either I don't have my DSLR and/or tripod when I see fireworks or I miss all the fireworks. So, I've had plenty of time to read and test settings on my camera. When I set up the other night, I was pretty sure of what I wanted to do. The first few shots were iffy, I changed a couple things until I felt satisfied. They looked fine on the display and I was pleasantly pleased when I pulled them up on the computer.


    The next time I'll just wish for open space. My location ended up being between a group of trucks, trailers, and other vendor tents. Though, there were no people. So, I felt my camera was safest there.

  3. Absolutely stunning shots everyeone! I can't wait to get my hands on a D60 or a 7D, preferably a 7D. Not sure I'll have the patience for it though. ;)


    A few shots from over the last year with my XSi ...


    One of Mom's flowers



    Some HDR



    I love WDW!



    My nephew mad because the sun was in his eyes



    My niece's graduation



    I really NEED to make myself get out more and shoot.

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