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Posts posted by RunsWithFlyingDolphins

  1. This is from the Miracle in 2010. Sunrise in St. Maarten. It's the only pic I can think of right now. I really love the crepuscular rays in the picture.




    And this isn's a pic from a cruise but is one of my favorite pics ever. It's of the Florida Keys.


  2. First of all, GREAT review!! I can't believe I'm just finding it now. And I love the pictures. I'm also trying to get into the photography thing. But since I'm a pilot, my pictures are usually of sunsets over the pacific ocean or of planes going 150+ knots.


    The flight was uneventful except for some turbulence and the pilot dropping the plane out of the sky about 20’ above the runway at landing. Scared the heck out of my wife (ok, I’ll admit, me too) - and I told her not to worry, It’s the younger, “unpaid dues” pilots who get to work the holidays - we don’t get the more experienced ones. I have no idea if it was true or not, but I like giving her fits sometimes.


    The pilot most likely didn't drop you 20 feet. The sun heats the Earth unequally, causing wind and updrafts and downdrafts. The unequal heating it much worse over land because of the different color and houses, hills, etc. and is pretty much nonexistent over water. So what you experienced is a downdraft, which are extremely common. And I'm one of the most senior pilots at my airline and I have to work on the holidays. I was in Japan over Christmas this past year. But on a lot of the smaller airlines... it's usually the less senior pilots.

  3. When my family (wife and 5 boys all within 7 years of each other) would my boys would always have someone to hang out with because they're all really close. But last year when my last son graduated high school he was in the same boat as your daughter and didn't really want to go because he didn't have anyone. And when I asked my other kids they were all busy will work asks college and couldn't do it. So I had him ask a few friends to see if they wanted to go with him. Now we didn't pay for them, their parents did but they had their own room. Anyway there was my son and 2 friends and they had a great time. They found some girls on the ship and they all hung out the whole week. So I would look at the prices to add a booking to your room and see if your daughter wants to take a friend. Either way, have a great cruise!!!! :)

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