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molly mariner

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Posts posted by molly mariner

  1. Hi girls, pleased this week as I've lost 2.5lbs and gone down into another stone bracket which is always a big boost for me. Only 3 weeks to go to next cruise and I'm now aiming to lose another 1/2 stone so no messing about for me, course that's easier said than done but fingers crossed. Tori have you had a look at pininterest for recipes, there are some good ones. Have a good week. Cathy:)p

  2. Hi , don't let this get you down, it was a blip and now it sounds like it's going well again. Bit disappointed that I've only lost 1/2 since last weigh in but we've still got 4 weeks:D. We've booked a similar sounding cruise as yours for next year so let me know how it goes. Have a good week Cathy

  3. Tiggertastic the Sp is really like the old red days if you can remember them. When I was at class it had really mixed results and for me it was disappointing. I think we put ourselves under too much pressure over all this. I know I am a bit of a nutcase when I've tried hard and the scales say different. Let's cheer each other on and whatever we achieve is going to be better than where we are now. It does work but this week I'm craving carbs and that doesn't give me great results at the scales. Have a good week. Cathy:)


    p.s where are you off to? We are off to the fjords.

  4. Tiggertastic, got to say well done on a 8lb loss and on how positive you are with this. You were right about losing my cruise weight and I'm now back to where I was pre-cruise. Planning to loose 1/2 stone more before we go at end of August. Doesn't sound a lot but I'm trying the slow but sure approach this time:D let me know how it's going. Cathy

  5. Ok I joined the class tonight, I'm away in 8 weeks time so if I get 15lb off by then I will be over the moon. I know I can maintain on a ship having lost 5lb last time by hitting the gym and optimising my food. So here goes I will post as I go.


    Hi, how are you doing?


    Just back from my cruise with a 5lb gain and 7 weeks to next cruise:eek: back on it.


    Hope it's going well for you. Cathy

  6. Hi everyone


    Well the birthday celebrations have taken their toll and I have put 2lb on; I am cross that I am still messing about. We are out tonight and it's a fixed menu with nothing particularly SW friendly but tomorrow is a determined focus on getting back on track.


    Have a good week



  7. Can I join in please :) I lost 13lbs in 4 weeks but have just been to London for a holiday so dreading Monday weigh in. Got 90lbs to go before we sail



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    Glad that you've joined us and well done on what you've achieved so far, that is an impressive loss.


    Hope that your holiday was great and don't go feeling guilty about enjoying your life. It's back on track tomorrow and next week we'll be here to share your success.:)



  8. Hi everyone, so pleased that we are back on track with the thread.


    Today's weigh-in was 1lb off, bit disappointed. Whereas lyns is looking forward to a big weight loss looming I'm not, it's my birthday weekend and I've got two meals out, one of which is a curry so don't expect too much next week:o


    I've noticed from my group meetings that the food diary always seems to make better results in the following week, maybe I should stop being lazy and do one every week.


    Have a good week.


    Cathy x

  9. Im a Slimming World Consultant in London :) i love SW, ive lost 2st, only 0.5st to my target! I just thought it was great, thats why i decided to become a consultant, and have been doing that for a year now. Dont feel down about not getting your mini target Molly mariner, your doing great :) x


    Hi lyns, lovely to hear from you. I agree that SW is great and I will keep going just need to go faster:D. Good luck on getting to your target, let us know how you get on. Cathy

  10. Hi everyone, we seemed to have gone very quiet, hope this is not the end of the thread so here goes.....


    My weigh loss is plodding along but I'm in it for a long haul lifestyle change. Now reached 2.5 stone loss since this particular journey began;so it's had it's ups and downs.


    My weekly target of 2lbs per week is not on track and I'm about 5lbs behind:(.

    I just struggle to keep on track at weekends think I need to hibernate from Friday to Monday:D.


    So how is everyone doing? Hope you are all doing well.


    Cathy x

  11. Nicola


    Well done on the 2lb and on keeping such a great attitude. I'm sure this is just a blip and you'll soon be getting the results you deserve.


    Okay girls, well it was only 1lb off this week so my "2lb weekly" target has not been met for the last two weeks:o. It's my own fault as I tend to let things slip a bit over the weekend and then go super strict for the rest of the week. I need to follow the plan properly for all 7 days; so that's my agenda from today onwards.......gosh it must be Monday morning:D.


    Have a good week everyone.


    Cathy x

  12. Hi everyone


    I too do SW, i joined it at the end of Sept and have lost 1stone 9lbs so far. I am going on a cruise next Sunday 15th to the Caribbean and am just hoping I dont put on too many lbs.


    Have a good week :)


    Well done and have a great cruise. Come back and join us when you get back.



  13. Hi everyone, I'm really glad that we are managing to keep this thread going and that we are all still here to help each other along.


    As I've said before I'm not the best of cooks and disorganised is a bit of an understatement. The breakfast pancakes were lovely, also quick and easy to make:D. I made mine without using baking powder and they lasted over two days. I've since read that if you add 1/2 tsp of baking powder they are nice and fluffy and this adds only 1/2 a syn.


    Took your advice and also made lots of soups.


    Yesterday's meeting had a "taster session" for free food; I made individual quiches that were also a success. Could this mean that eventually I'll be slim and another Nigella Lawson into the bargain:rolleyes:


    Weight loss this week was 1.5lbs, was hoping for more but we've still got treacherous snow underfoot so the walking has been minimal. Intend to try and do more over the coming week as it's beginning to clear at last.


    Keep up the good work and if you've made something you liked then please pass this on in your post.


    Cathy x

  14. Hi everyone


    Well the girl's weekend away was great but took it's toll. I thought I had been reasonably okay but had put on almost 5lbs when I weighed myself on my return:eek:.


    Dieted strictly from last Monday onwards and managed to have a maintain at today's weigh-in.


    I know I put weight on easily but didn't deserve such a big gain, honestly. Still such is life so onwards and hopefully downwards not upwards!


    How is everyone else doing?


    I am going to try and make the breakfast pancakes/mixed berries this week for a change instead of usual cereal. I also intend to ditch the bread and make lots of soups, lets see what impact this has. Any tips from anyone to make it a good result next Saturday?


    Hannah have a great birthday.


    Cathy xx

  15. Well done Hayley that's a really great result.


    Weighed in yesterday rather than Saturday morning and lost 1.5lbs which is okay for 4 days.


    Leaving this morning for a weekend with the girls. Aim is to try and be good on the food front and use sins for an extra tipple or two. I intend to do the SP version of slimming world for 4 days next week as there have been some good results on this. Hopefully will still manage a small loss at next weeks club.


    How is everyone else doing?


    Have a good weekend.



  16. Hi girls, great to catch up.


    Managed to lose 2.5lbs this week but need to be extra good for the next few days as I'm away on a girly weekend this Friday.


    Hannah, really, only 3-4lbs over a 2 week cruise?..... that's not good enough:D. How bad am I going to look when I do the same over a weekend?


    So it's roughly 5 months to my cruise and I'm aiming to lose 2.5 stones before then; any tips are most welcome and as they say "watch this space:"


    Have a great week everyone



  17. Hi everyone


    It was a great Christmas and this has been confirmed by the scales :o. Not going to the club on Saturday as we have two more celebrations this weekend and then it's really back down to it on Monday.


    Hayley those results are fantastic so you and Nic have got to shame me into trying harder.


    Looking forward to hearing from Hannah on her cruise, need the inspiration of looking forward to the cruise.


    It's a bit like being on a merry-go-round for me at the moment, "diet - holiday, diet -Christmas," one step forward then two back!. I know it's wrong to think of it as a diet and it isn't hard when you put your mind to it but it can be a vicious circle:eek:


    Anyway lets look forward to a great year with great results. We can and will all do this together. Cathy x

  18. Getting into the spirit by re-reading A Christmas Carol, this copy includes four other Christmas books by Dickens which are The Chimes, The Cricket on the Hearth, The Battle of Life and The Haunted Man. Not read the last four and probably being too optimistic in trying to get them all in before the New Year.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. :)

  19. Hi Hannah,


    My cruise is on 15 June and it's with Celebrity to the Baltic and I would like to lose another two stone plus the Christmas gain :D, Never been on Celebrity before so looking forward to it.


    So, while we're all freezing you'll shortly be sunning yourself in the Caribbean, so jealous! What's your favourite island? I love Aruba and St Maarten. If they're giving away free samples of blue diamonds don't forget me;).


    I know you'll be busy getting ready so have a great Christmas and a really fantastic cruise, Cathy x

  20. Hi, I know what you mean about Christmas meals out, I'm full of good intentions until I get there and then the "will power" becomes "won't power" and the plan goes out the window. The last two weeks have each been just 1lb off but I'm okay with that as I'm not doing my best. Doesn't look like I'll make the stone challenge but like you I'm not going to beat myself up there's always next year:o. Hannah can't believe your cruise has come round so quickly; it'll be fantastic, I really enjoyed Azura. Do you fancy carrying on with this thread when you get back as I am still not at my target? Anyway girls thanks for your support. Cathy x

  21. Hi girls and welcome to Thom, sorry I didn't say hello in my last post, I was obviously too busy feeling sorry for myself. I've snapped out of it; so thanks girls for your words of wisdom. Great that you've both had Autumn breaks and Nic, a belated Happy Birthday. Will let you know if I have redeemed myself at the Saturday weigh-in:eek: Cathy x

  22. Hi everyone, we seemed to have gone a bit quiet so I hope you are out there my friends because I'm struggling a bit. Saturdays weigh-in was a disappointing 1/2 lb! Don't know why that was and so went and did my usual trick of making matters worse by having a big Saturday night cheat:mad:. Back on track now but feeling fed up and struggling to stick with it so I need some firm words or encouragement, better still a bit of both. How is everyone else doing? xx

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