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Posts posted by CrznKris

  1. So glad you decided to come in off the ledge! Less than two weeks? Lucky you! I will think of you as I add another sweater against the winter cold! I'm just glad I don't live up north where it really gets cold! Dig your toes into some sand and think of your Cruise Critic friends left behind to await our own departure dates :) Is this a first cruise for you?


    Yes, first cruise. I just checked Weather.com and it shows showers every day of our cruise in EVERY stop. This does NOT make me happy.

  2. Being the worry-wart that I am, I'm worried about being back from my excursion with Capt Bob in time to board the ship.


    I was assured by Capt Bob that the trip is done at 4. Our ship (Celebrity) leaves at 5. He said it's a a 5 min walk back.


    Is this really enough time to get back on board? I'm worried they have a cut-off time before they pull up the plank (or whatever).


    He's said that in 20 some years no one has ever missed the boat, but the ship said somthing about having to be back on the boat 1.5 hours in advance.


    Can someone tell me whether I should cancel my trip for fear of missing the boat (HA wouldn't be the first time I've "missed the boat")

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