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Posts posted by sealevel

  1. :mad:


    Playing trivia is a major pastime for us on every cruise.


    I know that there are many activities that have a low attendance (mostly outside) but on a Transatlantic the Rendezvous or the Ensemble lounge has always been packed.


    Michaels was hardly ever used as a venue so the switch to Concierge is not a factor.


    It will be interesting to see if bingo is the only activity where there is no cutback.. ;)


    Having sailed with Cruisenut and other trivia fans, we would agree this is one of our favourite activities. So let us try to figure their marketing strategy (the quotations are my musings of what might go on in the collective Celebrity grey matter)...


    1) "repeat cruisers will stay with us for the perks they get" .... partly true although as some have said, we can spend $0 to have NO activities at home! But many repeat cruisers travel on several lines so can easily hop to another line if they see a decline in the cruise experience.


    2) "we must introduce revenue producing activities to attract new, younger travellers" ... more fancy restaurants and shops seem to be the direction of choice since younger people seem to not have to work as hard for their dollars as more senior cruisers and have more of a spend it while you have it mentality (my viewpoint only). BTW, we noticed that the jackpot on RCCL bingo is higher than that on Celebrity AND that attendance on the latter is lower than the mother corporation.


    3) "cruisers are as happy sitting by the pool all day reading which costs us nothing" .... yes, some people see a cruise as a do nothing opportunity. Others do not and want more. When we first sailed Celebrity, the first thing we noticed was the number of activities on board compared to RCCL, Princess, HAL. As the saying goes, "You had us at Trivia..." After all, unless you live in the "great white north" like us, you probably do not need a cruise ship to sit by the pool, reading, and drinking under the bright sun... a Florida or California hotel/home provides the same!


    4) "reduce costs and raise prices to improve the bottom line"... well I cannot complain that my RCCL stock has gone up since 2008, but if the eventual direction is to spend all the attention at getting new cruisers while the repeaters see the same store stock, same shows, and ... as some of our friends remind us "the same meal on day xx" then cruising will become what it was originally viewed as.... a hotel at sea. Room, dining, and some entertainment when you do not "leave the hotel".


    Can "we" influence Celebrity? I say yes...

    Comment cards DO get read, but mainly to evaluate the remaining staff on board.

    Forums like this get viewed by people checking out cruise lines before deciding so can influence the future potential cruise market. The cruise lines would be foolish not to monitor them.

    But mostly, if you feel you are not seeing the "product" that you like, walk the walk, and take your vacation dollars elsewhere. Then see if they are paying attention. I am sure that someone is tracking the repeat cruisers and if not they do so at their peril.


    These are just my musings and would be interested on others' take on how Celebrity is marketing/will market to us.


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