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Posts posted by congratulations

  1. Trying to track you down. Have sent 4 emails and left two posts on the Jewel Roll Call. I have saved seats for you on the Gibraltar Tour which you asked me to hold for your family. Could I get a response from you?




    Not sure if the room is the same as the family room we had. We had to have at least 5 people in the room and it was called the family Balcony room. Not sure about the code. The room itself was huge. plus a bunk bed. I would call them and see if it is the room with the bunks. If it is then you have a great room.
  2. Does anyone know who are the staff people that do the clothes washing on the Star.....I want my wash done by the pro's and not some first time rookie....so if you got the names I would really like that.







    This is a particular sensitive topic for me. I sent a note with three of my Tommy Bahamas silk skirts on a Star sail about three months ago and am still trying to recoup $360USD from NCL for shirts that will now fit a Ken and Barbie doll. They washed the shirts when the instructions on the shirt label calls for dry cleaning. If you are smart you`ll forget about the laundry.

  3. I'm trying to save myself some money and am wondering if anybody has tried this. I will be on European cruises this Fall which will involve currencies from the United States, Great Britain, Euros and Krone from Denmark and Stockholm. In order to avoid the exchange usury rates employed by NCL I plan to take the amount of each currency in travelers checks and cash them for the SAME currency at the front desk at the various ports of call. Anybody tried to do the same thing ? Or have the cruise lines dreamed up some money laundering scheme to thwart what I think is a brilliant idea. Your thoughts!

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