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Posts posted by ElizabethA

  1. Hi,


    I have just booked the Black Watch, Norwegian Fjord cruise for next June. The Itinerary indicates Early AM Departure. Do any of you know what time this may be? Would it be advisable to book a hotel for the night before the cruise, as Dover is a 4 hour plus drive for us.


    Any advice will be useful. Thank You

  2. Hi everybody,


    :(What a weird coincidence... here I am writing about Tanja's fever and prombtly it hits me. Just a cold...but not one of the little snuffy nose ones. Full blown headache, fever, clogged nose, sore troat and hurting limbs...No way I can write anything today...Sorry guys. Hope I'll be better tomorrow to continue with the review!




    I hope you feel better soon, snuggle up with a blanket and rest




    PS we need to well to finish the review:D

  3. Everybody!


    :mad:I have ran into a severe photo problem! Apparently photobucket limits the amount of clicks for their free accounts. Once this amount is exceeded-- they close all the pictures for the rest of the month and replace them with this ugly sign you might see instead... Once the month is over, they'll be visible again ---until of course too many clicks shut them down again. GAH! I just checked my account... they won't be visible until September 13th again:eek:! Nothing I can do about it, since I refuse to get a paid account -- especially after them pulling such a stunt. I'll look into Flickr now and see if I can upload all following pictures there...but I really don't know if it's such a great idea to continue right away or if I should rather wait until the "old" pictures can be viewed again. Sigh, give me a day to think about it:(.




    Hi Stef,


    How annoying, but I suppose they don't give anything away for free, once they have you hooked they pull on the line. We call it 'Hook, Line and sinker':D


    I hope you can get it sorted I will await the next installment. Just a thought but do you have to use an outside app, do CC not have the ability to take straight from your computer.



  4. Hi Lorrdean,


    :p you are so sweet! :p I LOVE to hear you like my tales...I was afraid maybe it was getting a bit too detailed.


    Next post up will be including a looong story (I'm still in the process of writing it right now), so if you're enjoying details...that ought to be fun for you!


    Thank you!




    Do you realise I am hanging on your every word and check in at least 5 times a day to see if you have added more:D



  5. Stef,


    Thank you so much for taking the time to write this review, I am gripped and find myself logging in more often to see if you have posted more. I am also on the Serenade in October with Melissa and co.


    I was particularly interested in your Cinque Terre review, one of the areas I am most looking forward to. I might avoid those stair though:D


    Please keep the information coming



  6. That was the biggest waste of my time ever, I could have ironed 20 shirts in the time it took to read, and my husband who, got distracted from mowing the lawn due to the laughter coming from the kitchen has still not finished.:D


    In all seriousness, I have not laughed or enjoyed wasting my time so much in years.


    I am off to you wonderful City of New York after are Transatlantic cruise in November, I would love some of your points of view of New York.

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