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Posts posted by davetecsgirl

  1. As far as I am aware, there isn't any legislation in place that that bans people from taking sea glass from the beaches (or else the sea glass jewelers wouldn't still be in business), however, the beach is the property of WEDCO (the Government quango that runs the Dockyard area) so they have a say as to whether or not the sea glass should be removed from their property (as cruiseclues clarified).


    Also, if it is unlawful for anyone to remove sea glass from Sea Glass Beach, it includes the residents of Bermuda as well, not just the visitors from the cruise ships (so the sea glass jewelers cannot use Sea Glass Beach as their source for jewelery making supplies either).


    I can see why they would post the sign - think about it, we get 2-3 cruise ships a week from May through October, with each ship carrying approx 3,000 pax, plus, we have the local hobby jewelers using the sea glass for their jewelery. If each person went to the beach and took a "small baggie" of sea glass, the beach would be depleted pretty quickly.


    Not saying I agree with the sign, however, it is a unique feature for a beach to have that much sea glass on it, especially here in Bermuda, so I imagine they want to preserve it for many years to come.


    So, moral of the story is, visit Sea Glass Beach, marvel at the amounts of sea glass there, enjoy the sound of the water running over the sea glass, have a good chat with the guy that hangs around down there and ensure that, when you leave, all you are taking with you is pictures.


    Well put....Just remember it was the greedy ones that ruined it for everyone else....... When people are scene taking Baggies full of the seas glass, it showed greediness........ if people kept to taking 1 or 2 pieces everything would have been OK...

  2. Hi all, i posted earlier.... I live in Bermuda and I was told my a local artist that makes sea glass items for sale... when she was down as Sea Glass beach there were many tourists taking large ziploc bags full of Sea Glass... This sea glass work for her is her lively hood. She survives off of making sea glass jewelery. Its like anything in life... a few bad ones ruin it for everyone... So please PLEAS PLEASE think about it when you go down... that the cruise ship customs... have been told to take the seaglass away from anyone who tries to bring it aboard the cruise ship.

  3. Its not the cruise ships that made the decision not to allow people with sea glass on the cruise ship..its the Bermuda government as the sea glass is used by locals to make and sell items made with sea glass,


    It started out to be ok that the tourists were taken a couple of pieces but then tourists were filling up ziplock bags full. So the government has made it against the law for the sea glass to be taken off the beach... so do note they can stop you with sea glass...

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