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Posts posted by gyanhumara

  1. ... you're less than a week from your next sailing and have a dream that your husband has left you twisting in the wind (so to speak) outside the MDR on Formal Night ... the Maitre d' won't seat you & your friends because your husbands are missing, and so makes you wait outside the MDR. Finally the Maitre d' takes pity & seats you ... and then your husbands waltz in, NOT appropriately dressed, with the excuse that they had been watching "the game" at a bar & lost track of time!

    You wake up at 02:30, highly PO'd at your husband on account of his behavior in the dream, but then think to yourself, "Wait. I need to share this on CC!" :D
  2. [quote name='jdvmd']I did think for a half second to come in and just say, "he looks guilty to me" and see if that worked...[/quote]

    Yeah but I don't think you get to see the defendant during the initial selection process. Of course if you apply the "he looks guilty" remark to the lawyers, it'll probably be equally insulting -- and accurate! :D
  3. [quote name='jdvmd']You're getting upset thinking about the jury duty you have been summoned for beginning on Thursday, Dec. 1, and who is going to answer all the wine corkage questions among other things while you are absent from the CC board.[/quote]

    Or, you beg the attorneys not to be chosen for the jury because you have a Very Important Responsibility -- replying to the questions on CC! :D

    (Actually, you could just tell them that you read the Bible every day. I did this once, back when I really was reading at least a chapter of the Bible every day, and didn't get selected to serve.)
  4. Just learned a work-around if you are unable to access things from "My Reservations" -- log out of that section, go back to the home page, and choose what you are interested in from the "Plan and Book" section. Example, you want to book shore excursions, choose that from the drop-down in the "Plan and Book" section. ...


    Again, I've not had any trouble lately, but when I was looking at Bon Voyage gifts for some relatives who will be on a different sailing, the system automatically logged me in. Thought it was strange at the time, because I deliberately had not logged in; glad to know it "wasn't just me!" :D

  5. The Celebrity web site is working just fine for me. Canceled a shore excursion this morning (St. Thomas parasailing) and booked another (Voluntourism); no issues whatsoever. The only time I've experienced problems with it while preparing for this cruise was back in September, when I must have clashed with one of the "down for maintenance" periods.


    For the record, I use Mozilla's free Firefox Internet browser software, with AdBlock Plus add-on. For anyone using Internet Explorer, I highly recommend that you switch to Firefox, with AdBlock Plus, and don't look back. I used to have issues, years ago, with some reputable web sites (financial companies & whatnot) not supporting Firefox, but I haven't run into that problem in a very long time.


    Happy cruising!

  6. Spa service tips are not included I believe.


    A 15% "service fee" (i.e., gratuity) is charged up-front when booking & paying for a spa service.


    As with your dining staff & stateroom attendants, you always have the option of leaving more for truly outstanding service. I will be sailing on a Christmas cruise this year and plan to leave more for everyone, anyway. :)


    No fees or gratuities are added when paying in advance for shore excursions. I usually budget extra cash for tipping tour guides, dive masters, etc.

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