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Posts posted by jlbartley

  1. We will be making a stop on a cruise ship and are going to see El Yunque for part of the day and may stop to take in a beach. I've thought about Loquillo but had many people comment that there are other beaches they would recommend yet no one has mentioned the name of the other beaches.


    I'm looking for pretty beach that is either near El Yunque or on the way back from there to Condado where we will drop off our rental car.


    Can anyone give me an idea of what beach they would recommend? I'm not needing a beach with a lot of facilities and often prefer a quieter beach vs. a crowded one.


    Thanks for your help!

  2. Thank you for the suggestions. You mention other beaches better than Luquillo. Could you recommend other options that you like better. It's hard to try to pick just one that we should stop at.


    I still haven't fully made up my mind between getting a car or taking a more private tour so I appreciate the feedback you've given on the times to expect. It is very helpful!

  3. We will be there on a Wednesday. I know that there are typically guides that will take you to El Yunque in less time than this but I wasn't sure if anyone who had rented a car before could give me an idea of how much time it takes to actually pick up the car and then travel to El Yunque. I appreciate any advice. Thanks!

  4. I will be on a cruise stopping in San Juan from 7:45am-4:45pm. I've done some research and am considering renting a car, maybe from Condado Enterprise or Charlie's.


    I'm thinking that we would like to visit El Yunque and possibly Luquillo. Would also love to have at least a small bit of time to walk through Old San Juan. Is it possible to fit all of this in?


    How long does it really take to get a shuttle from one of the car vendors, pick up the car and then get to El Yunque? What key things would you recommend we see here?


    What time would you recommend we head back from Luquillo to the car rental place to ensure we have enough time to return the car and shuttle back to San Juan to get back to the ship on time?


    Sorry, I know this is a lot of questions but appreciate any advice you can give!

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