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Posts posted by cooperda

  1. My DH and I went on our first cruise on October 29, 2011. Everyone in my family uses the patch and cruises often so we got our doctor to prescribe the patch. Within hours of putting his on, my DH got really "funny-feeling". By the next morning, I was "tripping out" - all of the side-effects (dilated pupils, red cheeks, sensitivity to light, paranoia, hallucinations, sticky lips, dry mouth, hoarseness, everything listed in the literature). His patch came off in the shower the second morning and he did not replace it. Mine came off too and I put another on (24 hours sooner than the second one was due). I started "tripping out" even more (too "tripped out" to realize it was the patch). When we returned home, I looked up Scopolamine and found that it is a belladonna alkaloid (aka "Deadly Nightshade"). The "hauntingly familiar" super bad-trip feeling was familiar to me, because i had ONCE experimented with belladonna when I was a "flower child" in the 60's and it was really, really bad. NEVER AGAIN will I use the patch! Cheers to all,

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