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Posts posted by Yorkiebargirl

  1. Still on subject of my previous post: recently heard or read, posting on the internet is equiverlent to writing on toilet walls! and we all know the mix of info that can be. Have read some some interesting pieces over the years and the rest just gets ignored. Wripro just saw your post GMTA.

  2. Nancy,


    I am not exactly sure what you meant by 'walk to all of them' but I will try to explain.


    When we docked we were right in from of the port building. As we were exiting the ship we were greeted by some fanfare, bagpipers etc. We walked the hundred yards or so into the building.


    Once inside there were some information areas, currency exchange, and vendors. The Inverclyde tourist group had some tables set in the middle where you could get local information, maps or sign up for the free tours.

    We signed up for the castle one for the morning and the church/city hall one in the afternoon.


    When it is time for your tour it is right outside the exit doors and onto a tour bus.


    On each tour there was some walking necessary but not too much . I believe a person with some mobility issues would be okay. If someone was in a wheelchair then I would say that this is not suitable.


    The tours are indeed free. If you would like you can make a donation at the end that goes towards offsetting the cost of the petrol. Knowing this I had made up two goodie bags from home (maple cookies, Canadian pins and little notebooks with the Canadian flag in each). My intent had been one bag for the volunteers for each tour. As it turned out I just gave them at the volunteer tables and they were able to share them with everyone.


    When I returned at the end of the day a volunteer I had not met was looking for me and greeted me with a big hug. Apparently it had been 30 years since she had one of those maple cookies and she LOVED it.


    I will never forget that lady-- actually all the volunteers were all quite memorable.


    After our first tour we went directly back to the ship and had lunch onboard. After the afternoon tour we stayed in town, went for a beer and had a leisurely stroll back to the ship through a mall (if you like shopping) and along the waterfront.


    As I said before, the send off they gave us was wonderful. The tours were informative and the volunteers ( mostly retired folks) really love their community. The whole day was definately a highlight of our cruise.


    On our trip there did not seem to be many signing up for the free tours, but I would still get off the ship early and sign up just in case there is more interest on yours. My guess is that we did not have more than 15 people on either tour but the buses could have held many more.


    Hope this helps answer your questions. If not feel free to ask away.



    T&T Bumped this for you

  3. We are looking forward to our first Seabourn cruise, on Sojourn in September (Path of the Vikings) and would really appreciate a Referral Coupon if anyone can help please.


    Many thanks in anticipation.


    Keith & Lynn.



    Lynn & Keith I have started a role call for this cruise. it would be nice to hear from you our 1st seabourn also.


  4. Saw this today and thought it so good


    Sleep when The Wind Blows


    A young man applied for a job as a farmhand. When the farmer asked for his qualifications, he said, "I can sleep when the wind blows." This puzzled the farmer. But he liked the young man, and hired him. A few days later, the farmer and his wife were awakened in the night by a violent storm. They quickly began to check things out to see if all was secure. They found that the shutters of the farmhouse had been securely fastened. A good supply of logs had been set next to the fireplace.


    The young man slept soundly.


    The farmer and his wife then inspected their property. They found that the farm tools had been placed in the storage shed, safe from the elements. The tractor had been moved into the garage. The barn was properly locked. Even the animals were calm. All was well. The farmer then understood the meaning of the young man's words, "I can sleep when the wind blows."


    Because the farmhand did his work loyally and faithfully when the skies were clear, he was prepared for the storm when it broke. So when the wind blew, he was not afraid. He could sleep in peace

  5. What I think I meant was, is OBC treated "differently" than real money. If you do not use it all what happens to it, can it be given to the crew fund. So no that question was not answered in the previous question. If you re-read it you will see that.

    aneBP just said she added it to her account, but that still does not answer the question. Unless the norm is accounts with money in them when you leave get sent to crew account and I am sure that does not happen.

  6. If one is lucky enough to aquire an OBC from someone, nearer the sailing time, and some how do not manage to spend it:eek: Can what is left be given to the crew fund. I am not trying to be cheap but if everyone who has not spent it all did that,that could be quite a nice bonus for the fund. I like the idea of the $$$ folded and given. We did similar on last cruise but in an envelope for all, it really was appreciated.

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