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Posts posted by khfl

  1. You're welcome, it's really a credit to the wealth of information available in this forum as it all came from fellow posters here in one form or another.


    Dear VirutalRain....you are our VirtualHero! Last year we had a great day in Pompeii, Sorrento, Positano, and Amalfi from Naples port. We just booked for a May sailing from Barcelona, which will also stop in Naples. We really want to see Capri this time. Being squeezed for time and trying to make arrangements at so many ports, your report has been such an incredible help for Capri. As everyone else has commented here, thank you very much! PS..if Leela14 is still on this thread..which day will you guys be in Capri in May??


    Ok, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask you a couple of questions?


    First, I read that great report re Livorno as well. We have 7a-7p there. Thinking about renting a car (oh, hope you finally got your overcharges removed). We are trying to decide between doing San G/Siena (or San G/Volterre) vs. doing Cinque Terre. If we don't want to be overly rushed or concerned about missing ship, which one of those areas would you choose. Also, which would be your first choice regardless of time?


    Second, we have 7a-7p in Civitavecchia and planning on renting a car there. Do you think a drive to Orvieto, Civita, and Tuscania is too much with respect to the amount of time we have there. I've read others have done it, but certainly don't want to create too much of a time crunch. We already ruled out Tarquinia since we're there on a Monday :(


    Again, you've helped so many of us with your reports. CruiseMom, you have been a tremendous help as well. Can't thank you guys enough!

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