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Posts posted by Dmetrius

  1. I'm not questioning if they really did "feel very betrayed, very much lied to" but maybe the reason that the truth wasn't given to them was due to the fact

    that most of the crew was keep in the dark or lied to by the command officers.

    And further that said crew have been trained that when sand hits fan, in the absence of any real info, tell guests everythings fine,

    nothing to see here, move along. Everythings under control. Must maintain the cruising illusion at any cost

  2. I just read than another Costa ship.....the Allegra.....had a small fire aboard and has lost power and is adrift off Seychelles. The fire is out but the engines aren't running.....some cargo ships are responding. This looks like an older, smaller ship with only 600+ passengers and 400+ crew. Hopefully they'll get the engines running. It doesn't sound like there was much damage but this is the last thing Costa needs right now.



    Oh wonderful! All we need now is the Somali Pirates to get involved and here we go again!
  3. As promised, a picture showing how electrical power is distributed to the various electrical buses on a Vista-class cruise ship.


    The six main diesel generators power the 11KV bus, XA872A and XA872B


    Transformers power the 690V buses XA872C, XA872D, XA873A, XA873C from the 11KV buses. The 11KV bus cannot be powered from the 690V buses.


    The EDG (Emergency Diesel Generator) at the top right only powers the 690V buses. If it's the only generator running then the 11KV bus will not be powered. It can power the main 690V buses via breakers 909, 309 and 410.




    The next picture shows how the propulsion units are powered.


    The azipods and bow thrusters BT1, BT2, BT3 are powered from the 11KV buses. The azipods also take power from the 690V buses for the exciters.


    Each bow thruster can draw up to 1.9MW. Each azipod can draw 17.6MW.






    Well done! Thank you. Nice to see the technical stuff. Milaandra and the other NTSB types sleuthing this accident will know just what to make of THIS I'm sure. :)
  4. Driving the ship, high on cocaine.

    Captain Schettino better watch his speed.

    Trouble ahead, titanic boulders.

    Maybe that notion should've crossed his mind...

    no no no. he was not the user. His weakness was good old alcohol.Vino. She?who ran her hands thru his hair

    may have been may have been the user but did she undergo drug tests immediately post-crash?

  5. From Repubblica:





    The Commander's hair a small presence of traces of cocaine. It would have been touched by someone who had used drugs


    Commander Francis Schettino has not drunk alcohol or take drugs before the accident the Costa Concordia. The analysis of urine and hair do not have detected the presence of these substances. Hair on the outside but there is an almost imperceptible from cocaine contamination.


    The results of the survey conducted at the Catholic University of Rome were communicated informally to the Prosecutor in Grosseto. Schettino hasn't consumed drugs even in the months preceding the incident of 13 January, says an analysis of hair, able to be traced back very far back in time. The small presence of traces of drugs would be attributed to possible hair Schettino touch from someone who had used cocaine.

    Now who would that be?? Ah I know...its the cook in the galley. He runs his hands through the capt's hair all the time.


    The cook and anyone else who runs their hands through the capt's hair is now suspect. who could that be?

  6. Ever since the Concordia ran aground Jan. 13, fears have swirled about fuel leaks and resulting contamination of the pristine waters off the tiny island of Giglio, which form part of a protected sanctuary for dolphins, whales and porpoises. There have been no reports of any serious leaks.

    No reports of any serious leaks, thereby intimating that minor leaks are best not reported lest internet forum experts and eco-freakos blow them out of all proportion.
  7. It's very possible that there is plenty of fluid leaking from the ship- they have said that before. It's just not the fuel from the fuel tanks that everyone is fearing. There is plenty of other fuel (cooking, etc) and other fluids one board.
    Could be something a simple as a 50gal.container of massage oil from the spa that has now made its way out.

    I'm one of the many self appointed ntsb experts in here and it is my definitive asessment that the slick is massage oil from the ships spa.

    the container was stored on the starbord side of the ships spa which is now underwater and the sturdy aluminium container

    the oil was in has taken 3+ weeks to corrode due to electrolytic action with the steel cabinet the container was stored in.

    Three large pinholes have developed in the container and thats why we now see a slight but steady trickle making its way to the surface where it then spreads a visible slick. ANY QUESTIONS?

  8. That is so dishearten to watch! She will start taking in more water no and sink.
    Really?! looks solid as a rock to me. She may start to crack up/open as metal fatigue takes place

    but sink? I don't think so. In 2wks. she's settled herself nicely. it would take a BIG swell action to get her moving anyhow substantially

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