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Posts posted by ChocolatCat

  1. We were in Cartagena in mid April on the Celebrity Equinox which made an overnight stay. On the first day we enjoyed walking around the old city independently taking tons of photos of the beautiful buildings and lunching at the ceviche place that had featured on an Anthony Bourdain show. We took a horse and carriage ride at sunset which was fun but I couldn't help but feel bad for the horse although I understand that steps have been taken recently to improve their working conditions. The next morning was the highlight of our stay in Colombia when we took the Friends of Colombia tour with Dan and Berit Wick . They met us and about 16 other cruisers right on the pier in an air conditioned bus with driver. We went to Granitas de Paz (Grains of Peace) foundation, one of many local non profits working to provide a helping hand to the people living in the poor neighborhoods of Cartagena. We had a wonderful time dancing and listening to some elderly gentleman musicians, some of us played dominoes with the same gentleman, some of us interacted with children teaching them some English words, and we had an opportunity to purchase crafts hand painted by young adults. There was also a pregnancy clinic in progress while we were there. Afterwards we toured a preschool providing a safe and educational environment for young children while enabling the parents to work. Beautiful children all wearing school uniforms. The highlight of the tour for me was the next stop to the backyard of a neighborhood home where, along with about 700 other families, every possible square inch was used to grow herbs and vegetables in raised beds. The mint, basil etc. is sold to the high end restaurants and hotels in Cartagena and provides an income to the family. Last stop was a walking tour in the old city which was enhanced with Dan and Brit's local knowledge. We enjoyed learning about their lives and their decision to move to Cartagena, and very much enjoyed the company of our fellow tourers. We fell in love with Cartagena and Hope to go back one day. I would highly recommend the http://www.friendsforcolombia.org tour.

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