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Posts posted by Insuregal

  1. 23 hours ago, Caribbean Chris said:

    You are probably right about the fees. That reminded me of the late, great Roz, who started this thread many years ago. Roz was very feisty and would just put her foot down and refuse if some port official told her on the spot that she needed to pay them anything to take the dog ashore.  And they would back down. 

    Cheers to you in heaven, Roz! Gone, but definitely not forgotten.

    I miss Roz every time my inbox sends me an update on this thread.  Hopefully her family is all doing well.  If anyone knows please let us know...  Is Horton still with us?

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, rpclmc said:

    It has been a while.  Halo retired in April, when we got back from our place in Florida.  He is loving being a "dog" and not having duties.  I will ask him to do something simple and he gives me a look like "lady you retired me and I am doing my job".


    So, made it through my daughter's wedding, in our back yard, two weeks ago.  Had about 130 people, Sushi truck, 2 bartenders, dance floor, DJ, nacho bar; have heard nothing but it was the best wedding people have ever been to.  It was just a big party.


    Then had foot surgery the following Friday, a week ago.  Still recovering from that.  Not a big surgery, but being on the foot means being off the foot for two weeks and limited for 3 months.  If doctor clears me, I will head to my winter home in Florida on the 24th.


    Still no word on my team training for my service dog from Canine Companions.  Should be soon,  early 2024, I hope.


    Linda and Halo (retired)

    Best wishes to Halo on his retirement!  Sending positive thoughts toward CCI so you get in soon for your successor service dog.  I love to watch the graduations on YouTube.

  3. Hello Everybody!


    I haven't posted in a very long time, but I get daily email updates of your activities which make me still feel connected to you all.


    For some reason today I am really missing Roz, and her Horton stories. She filled our lives with so much hope, joy, and laughter. So glad that you all have kept this thread going; honoring her memory by continuing to help others cruise with their service dogs.


    My daughter's service dog Gibson is now 10 and a half years old, and has cancer in his jaw.  A few months back he had surgery to remove it, which was a bit dicey.  When they were sedating him he started having difficulty as his temperature was going up to 105.  So the vet had to back out and stabilize him, then go at it again later in the day.  He wasn't able to get the whole tumor since it was wrapped around one of his teeth.  So, it has now grown back as we were told it would do.  It looks like a very large marble, about an inch or more in diameter.  Right now he has no trouble eating, and seems to feel pretty good for an old guy with cancer.  (After going outside to do his business he still runs a few circles around the yard before zipping back in the house.)  He is on twice daily pain meds, and does a lot of panting.  My daughter is watching for him to have trouble eating, or any other discomfort that would tell her he is no longer enjoying life.  Another surgery is out of the question.  Our whole family is just going to keep loving him as long as we can.


    I hope each of you is having a pleasant weekend filled with loads of fur kid hugs.



    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, Panamama42 said:

    Roz loved all of you. We were both looking forward to sailing on princess to Alaska in July. 
    Horton is doing well. He’s finally being a dog. I am very sad as I lost Rozzie’s brother (my beloved husband) one month before I lost her. I am devastated! 

    thank you all

    for your good wishes 


    Debi (Panamana42)

    Debi, thank you for sharing your deepest sadness with all of us.  I send you warm cyber hugs and a wish for peace on the loss of your dear husband and Roz.  Please stay in touch with us on how you and Horton are doing.  



    • Like 1
  5. 18 hours ago, Panamama42 said:

    I am trying to let all of Roz’s friends know that she has passed away. Her service dog Horton is here with me. He has been retired and will live out his days here. Thank you all 

    Thank you for letting us know this sad news.  Deepest condolences to you, your family, and Horton.  This entire thread was all Roz.  She made us a big cyber family, and will be sorely missed.  Words cannot say how much she meant to each of us.

    • Like 2
  6. I just booked Celebrity Solstice to Alaska on May 18!


    We are taking Scooter this time. OMG, now it is real! I just submitted the special needs document to their email - my TA had emailed me the special needs form and it was easy to fill out.


    It looks like all I need for Seattle to Alaska to Canada is proof of rabies?


    We have a courtesy call in Victoria, BC, and I'm looking at an excursion that also crosses the boarder on the train. I need to take Scooter on the train here in the state (I can do St. Louis to mid-state as a test run) and see how he handles it. I have my airfare booked, and now I need to make hotel arrangements in Seattle.


    Plus, we have a conference in Seattle that starts the morning the cruise ends, so we have to haul stuff for nearly 2 weeks, one of those weeks on the ship. If it was just the cruise, I'd likely leave Scooter at the vet, but I'll need him at the conference. Poor pup - he hates flying. I ordered him a new cushion though, as well as mutt muffs. Hopefully the thicker cushion and the hearing protection help him.


    Way to go Barb!


    Maybe you could take the train to Hermann, get off and have lunch, then catch the afternoon train back home. (I don't remember how challenged you are with getting around. Hermann is a bit hilly.) My husband and I took the Amtrak from Lee's Summit to Hermann one year for our anniversary. We stayed in a tiny bed and breakfast place. Then we walked everywhere.


    Please keep us posted on your adventures.

    Thanks! Beckie

  7. Hi All!! Been very busy around here and i havent had a chance to check in.


    Went on our cruise Jan 20th. Everything went pretty good. Flight good. When we got to our cabin, no box. Within a few minutes all the officers came in and after alittle yelling, the box was brought out onto our balcony. They did have the grass as requested. It was from California and was very wet since it was inside a plastic bag. Wex left wet dirty paw prints everywhere. I assumed they would just get a piece from a local landscaper. That said, he was happy and so were we. Great weather and another great cruise!


    The flying days were rough. Our flight left 620am. Very long day. 15 hour travel days. I noticed that it was rough on Wex. I am not thinking of putting him through that again. That said... We just booked a Bermuda cruise out of Boston in May! Fifteen minute ride and we're on the boat. I think he can handle that. I am also thinking i might be able to get my own sod. Im going to look into it. Nothing like homegrown grass to pee on!




    Sent from my Pixel XL using Forums mobile app


    Hi Cindy! Glad to hear you all had a great trip! Does Wex still enjoy traveling, just not the long flight days? We haven't ever flown with Gibson, only four hour car trips. Diana isn't up to big travel, and even the short ones are tough.


    I am sitting watching an ice storm out the window, and on television waves at Maui Sands resort. (YouTube can be a wonderful thing.) My office was closed today, and all who could do so logged in from home. I'll try not to send this weather your direction.




  8. Heeelllll-o,

    Hope everyone is either cruising or really busy. No posts since 1-26? I know I have been crazy busy. For the folks that have been on here along time, we (Travis and I) have been getting Travis ready for his Eagle Scout in Boy Scouts. So exciting! He will be 15!!!!! in March. It's been a long road, but we are so proud of him!


    We want to take him on a cruise for all the hard work he has been doing, BUT to our dismay he has no interest in going. We took him when he was 3, which he doesn't remember. He says he is too afraid that he might fall over board or someone might push him! Poor guy, I have to admit, I have never had that thought enter my mind!


    Hope everyone has a great week-end, coming up! :*


    Hi Nancy!


    Congratulations on Travis's great milestone! Sounds like you have been working really hard. Hopefully you and Travis can come to a happy choice for his reward.


    I have been wondering where everybody is and what they are up to these days. Roz must be swamped with her office move. Maybe our other friends will pop in and give us an update on their activities. Need to know what is happening across the pond with Aruba and Bonnie; Jagger down in Florida; Hearing dog Raylene wherever she may be traveling right now; and of course Wexler, and Gretel.


    Here in Kansas City Gibson has been to the vet twice. First time we found out he has crystals in his urine that could have become bladder stones. This required a change in food, because he was getting too much phosphorus and magnesium. Second time he had developed a really messy yeast infection in both ears. My daughter is putting medicine in both ears and massaging them each day; then he shakes his head and the stuff flies everywhere. He isn't wild about ear drops, but is so tolerant for whatever she does with him. (The vet thought it was funny that all she had to do to get the urine sample was hold a small plastic dish under him, easy-peasy!)


    Alrighty now everybody! We want to know what you are all up to the first day of February!




  9. As most of you know, I work for a HUGE non-profit agency that has been around for over 100 years and has offices all around the world.


    Our main office is located on Wilshire Blvd, in Los Angeles right on the border of Beverly Hills. A really lovely location. I've been working in one of our smaller offices, about 26 miles from there, because it's closer to where I live. The CEO has decided to close the smaller office and has asked me to come to work in the main office. I accepted and Horton and I are packing up 20 years worth of "Rozzie stuff!" and moving to the big city........Got to pay for traveling with the kids!


    Well, two people in the main office went to HR because one states that she is deathly afraid and allergic to dogs and the other says she's just very allergic. The HR Rep. called me and asked if I could go to the ladies room, kitchen and employee lounge without Horton. So, without thinking I answered "yes!" Also, they are going to try and move these two people as far away from Horton as possible.


    I brought this up in a CCI Forum and they said this is a classic case of discrimination [against me and Horton] and I should be the one complaining, after all, they can take a pill for their allergies, I can't for my disability. They also mentioned that if a poll was taken as to how many of the 650 people who work in the building, have pets at home it would probably be close to 90%. Those folks are bringing in more dander and pet hair on their clothes and in their hair than Horton could ever expose them to. And, unless everyone is bald and naked, they should re-think their complaints.


    I don't like going where I'm NOT welcomed. Geezzz! The folks here are ALL madly in love with my boy.......I'm going to have to walk around, with armor on both of us. Doesn't feel good. And, unless they put a gate on our cubicle or put me behind closed doors Horton will come looking for me if I take too long in the bathroom, or in a meeting where the two "allergies" might be. And, what if I decide I might like to visit the staff lounge.......and, by mistake I take Horton with me? I should be able to take Horton wherever I go, that's why he's called a "Service Dog!" Otherwise, I might as well get a pet to keep under lock and key at my desk!!!!!

    My having a Service Dog with me was cleared in 2000 with more paperwork from CCI, my doctors and me than the U.S. Government needs for me to join the Army or the CIA.


    What's your thoughts?




    I am shocked and appalled that any HR person would ask a disabled person to leave their durable medical equipment at their desk while using the restroom, public meeting rooms, and break rooms! Horton is durable medical equipment, and both of you are protected under the ADA guidelines. Was this approach by the HR person to you off the record? Seems to me that it needs to be put on the record. Totally unprofessional and unacceptable to bring this to you at all! They are more concerned about an EEOC complaint from someone who is afraid of or allergic to dogs? What about your option for an EEOC complaint? Would it be the same response if the complainers were afraid of power wheelchairs or scooters? Same issue.


    What happens to you and to Horton if there is an earthquake, fire, or armed intruder event while he is at your desk, and you are in one of those "off-limits" places alone? And you cannot get back to him? He is your ears to the world! You are a team and should never be separated except under extreme circumstances!


    Sorry for the rant, but this is not a precedent that should be allowed to go on without objection.


    Thanks for listening! (Have a wonderful cruise to Hawaii!)


  10. Hi everyone! My name is Cindy and I have recently been blessed with a 4 month old Great Dane puppy that is being trained as my service dog. I have Lupus and got a scratch on my left leg back in 1998. The next morning the "scratch" covered most of my lower leg and was excruciatingly painful. That day my life changed forever. I had an extremely aggressive form of necrotizing fasciitis. I also got MRSA from the hospital during one of my 47 surgeries. To make matters worse, the strep infection was resistant to all but two antibiotics, both of which are known to destroy hearing.


    I am beyond grateful to be alive. I survived toxic shock syndrome from the strep infection and still have reoccurring MRSA outbreaks at least once every 2 years. I also lost 90% of my hearing.


    My new puppy gives me so much hope! I use forearm crutches to walk, and when my Lupus is in a bad flare, I need a wheelchair. Saxon will be trained as a mobility service dog as well as a hearing alert dog. So far his training is coming along beautifully and he is showing great promise. [emoji4]


    My family (husband, myself, and our 3 daughters) are going on a cruise this coming January on the Breeze, but I'm not sure if Saxon will be ready by then. He should be ready when we go on our Journeys (Freedom) cruise on 1/19/19 though!


    I am still trying to catch up on all the posts, but I just wanted to introduce myself and Saxon. I have wanted a service dog for several years and am so excited! We have many months of training but I'm looking forward to every session.




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    Cindy, as the Mayor of Lurkerville I wholeheartedly welcome you to this forum. As soon as Roz gets back in town she will give you a proper welcome as the original thread starter.


    You are going to have such a wonderful life with your new eyes, ears, and legs in Great Dane form! The happiest day of my daughter's life was match day when Gibson came to be her service dog. So we share your joy! We have never cruised with Gibson because of mitochondrial disease sapping nearly all of my daughter's energy. No advice on cruising with a service dog from Kansas City. :D There are so many folks on this forum who do have the privilege, they will always share experiences from every angle.


    At any rate, so glad you have joined the service dog family; and this thread.




  11. Can you tell me about the lady trying to steal Horton?


    Linda and Halo


    Hi Linda and Halo,


    This event for Roz and Horton happened a few years back, after her dear husband passed away, but she still had her first service dog Brenda. Roz was traveling to see her kids, and stopped at a rest area to walk both dogs, but one at a time. Brenda got her turn first while Horton waited in the car. When she put Brenda back in the car and took Horton out to walk around a woman came up behind her and knocked her down. Then this criminal tried to yank Horton's leash out of Roz's hand. Roz held on to Horton for dear life, and some other folks who witnessed the attack came to assist. The woman finally gave up and got into a vehicle and left.


    Can you imagine anyone being so brazen as to try to steal a person's service dog? Horton was wearing his vest that clearly showed he is a service dog. So now, we all get a bit worried when Roz hits the highway to go up the coast.


    I know Roz will give you more particulars when she gets back online. (Didn't want to leave you dangling.) :)



  12. Hi All,

    I've missed all of you. Had alot going on in the past few months. Some good, mostly bad. Things are getting back to normal so I hope to get caught up with the goings-on​ in here. Attaching a recent pic of the boy.

    Cindy 7bd7818af2cefe7aa0e8a81c2a7a26d5.jpg


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Forums mobile app


    Cindy, thank you for posting a current photo of Wexler! We have been worrying about you. Please tell us if there is anything we can do for you. Kansas City is only half way across the country, so not too far away to lend a hand. Hope things will get better for you.




  13. Hi everyone!


    I've been really absent. On May 5th, I fell and badly broke my ankle. Had to have surgery, and that turned into a problem. Guess I aspirated on the table and stopped breathing. That got fixed. But I cannot put weight on my foot for several months.


    Jagger has been a sweetie. I'm staying at my Mom's because I can't take care of myself and Jagger. So he's getting a BIG vacation. He is very attentive though. He's going very well on the commands I do use. Will have to do a bit of a refresher of things when I can walk again.


    Changed my three day cruise into the four day one. Love that at-sea day and the less hectic-ness of a four day compared to a three day.


    In other fun news, we are working on doing a group cruise for our service dog organization. That should be fun with so many onboard. (already checked with Carnival on having so many dogs) Probably won't be over 10 dogs anyway.


    I have to go and read some back pages. I've missed reading many posts because it was hard to get to the computer.


    Hello to new members! Love hearing about all the dogs I "know" and your adventures. :)




    Holly we've been missing you, and worrying that something was amiss. So sorry about your broken ankle, but glad your mom is willing to help.


    Wish we could go on your service dog grand tour cruise. What fun that would be! Keep us posted on how your plans are going.


    Cyber hugs coming your way from Kansas City!



  14. I just heard from Princess and the trip is a go!!!!!! Yay!!!!! Robin and 3 caregivers will do a Circle Hawaii cruise April 10, 2018. Of course a lot of other things will have to fall into place before we go (especially funds) but we'll keep working for it. Thanks for all the comments.


    Hooray! So glad this is working out for all of you. Thanks for keeping us posted on your progress!

  15. OK everybody, meet Gretel. She is my daughters new service dog. She is a full black lab. It was a long two weeks in team training. It just so happens that Gretel was raised by very good friends of ours. We have known since she was 8 weeks old. We just got home Saturday morning and she is adjusting to our house very well.



    What a beautiful girl is Gretel! Tears of joy in Kansas City, over Kim's new partner! I was watching this thread all weekend, just hoping for an update. She is even more special because you already know her. Please tell Kim we are overjoyed.


    Thank you so much for posting her picture!


  16. I'm filling out a form for Princess which wants the size and weight of Robin's power chair. I haven't a clue how to find that out especially as she isn't here. To me it looks like a fairly standard power chair. Can anyone give me an idea of what their chairs weigh/measure? I don't know if it's a standard size or not. All I know is that it's a wheelchair and goes. She will likely have a new one next year but we need info now. Thanks


    The weight will vary on each individual power chair. My daughter's has three separate hydraulic units, so it is much heavier than the base model of the same chair.


    Find out what brand/make/model it is, and what extra features are on it. Look online for the manufacturer's website, most have a contact page. Reach out to them with your questions. They are usually very helpful. If she is getting a new one, that vendor representative should have the details at their fingertips.


    I wish you success on your efforts to take your friend on this adventure!

  17. Barb, some amazing stories come out of these floods. We saw on the news a father and two children being rescued. He thought he could get through the water and his car got overturned with the children trapped in the back, underwater and harnessed into their seats. What a story! All were rescued and CPR applied.


    Sometimes I find myself glued to the t.v. news and weather channel.


    I hope the kitty's get saved.


    I have a question-off topic; to anyone who's taken their Service Dogs to a funeral and to graveside. What is your feeling? I don't want to leave Horton in the car due to our warm weather and I have a funeral that I MUST attend tomorrow. I was thinking about putting him in "doggie day care" for the time but I also really do need his assistance. What are your thoughts?


    Thank goodness this is not something I need to worry about too often!


    Roz, when my last grandmother passed away we took Gibson with us for the entire thing. He rested by Diana's wheelchair at the front of the chapel. Then we went to the graveside, and finally to a country club for a family meal. He was good as gold the whole time.


    Don't forget what you always say, Horton is just like durable medical equipment. Where you go, he goes. He is your wingman, can't fly without Horton. :D


    Just my two cents worth.





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