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Posts posted by jbrambach

  1. We were invited to this on our Oct 09 CB sailing, I thought it was a nice new perk that Princess added. I hope they will still be having this nightly cocktail party as it was nice to relax and have a cocktail in Skywalkers before dinner.

  2. [quote name='Pinkbikini']I just wanted to check in and say hello to all.

    Good to see some familiar faces still hanging out- eating, exercising?, "wining" :) DH and I made a vegetable stew last week with a few illegal atkins ingredients (carrots, potatoes) but overall pretty healthy! And of course you could add in chicken or other meat to "beef it up" in lieu of those things. Hit the spot. Don't forget to look at some veggie stews to add to your fall recipes!

    What else is going on? I'm chomping at the bit for our next vacation. School is overwhelming right now. Work is status quo but I'm also feeling ready to change positions. I know right now I just need to keep on keeping on and hang with this for awhile. The jobs we have here are stable, secure and afford us the opportunity to save and take a really great cruise once/year. Can't beat that in this economy!!!

    So we're looking ahead to a 2010 cruise and right now it looks like it will be a January Med cruise with NCL. NEed to confirm time off at work in the next few weeks, then book flights and cruise dates, and then I'll put on a ticker and come brag. Trying not to get too attached to anything until I can secure the dates off from work first :)

    Best of luck to everyone braving the holiday season- the big 3 are right around the corner for Atkineers- Halloween treats, Thanksgiving taters and Christmas cookies. Find some tasty fall treats that are legal like veggie stews, creative turkey meals, and sugarfree Christmas goodies!

    Much love,

    Hey Pink,
    Glad to "see" you too! Veggie stew sounds good! Esp today, it is so cold and dreary out. Thank goodness no snow yet though;)

    Well, better get back to work:rolleyes::D
  3. Lisa, sorry to hear that you have been sick...Great news about an upcoming cruise! OK dish, where, when, etc:D

    Hey Jean, Peach Cobbler:eek: Good job but I don't know if I would have been so strong:D

    Well, I am done another 2. I have been laying off the wine (for all you new posters I am not a wino, just a winer:D) kidding, I just like a glass with my dinner. I have not been doing my exercise though:rolleyes: just can't seem to do both at once. We did clean out the garage for 4 1/2 hours on sunday, guess that counts as excercise right? Anyway, 10 days and 3lbs to my 10lb loss b4 my cruise. Don't know if I will lose much more by then b/c my tom is anyday now.:rolleyes:

    Welcome Paula! Let us know if you have any questions. Lots of great people & good info on this thread.

    Night all and happy low carbing!
  4. Hey gang,
    Still holding steady at a 5lb loss. But I haven't been keeping to that WOEing as far as wine:rolleyes: I have made the commitment (in my mind at least) to do 30 min of walking on my treadmill each morning and to cut out the wine for 2 weeks until my cruise. I started today on the treadmill and I have a lot more energy now. If I could be down another 5 by the cruise I will be happy.

    Jean, glad to see you are holding steady. How's Sadie?

    Hey Lisa.

    Cera, I know what you mean about the belching when I eat starchy stuff, yuck:eek::D I don't seem to have any "excess gas:o" when I am watching my WOEing. TMI?:D

    Seaside, hang in there, it will pass soon.

    Cruisin, welcome back.

    Welcome Danny!
  5. Hey Jean,

    I am feeling so much better. It is like a miracle:) I think I am down another 1but I have to check again tomorrow to be sure. I know I shouldn't weigh myself everyday but that is the only way I know how to keep track and know for sure what I am doing right and what is not so right. My 2 week Induction should be over by Sunday, but I think I will stay on a bit longer then move on to the next level....NUTS:D

    I also have to start doing the dreaded excercise again, hey Jean maybe we can trade excercise routines, I'll do yours and you do mine:D

    How is everyone else doing?
  6. Hey Cerabella, whatever helps you get through:D (wine). Remember slow & steady, take it day by day. Maybe one day is not so great but the next one will be, plus I hear the last 10 to 12 is the hardest to lose, but you are soooo close.:cool:
    My work is the same way, when the weather gets cooler, it really gets BUSY and I sometimes forget what passes through my lips:eek::D.

    Keep up the good work.;):)
  7. Hi Gang,
    Feeling so much better, a little tired but besides that great. I have been home for a week and I was going a little stir crazy:eek: I am back at work today but taking it easy. I started back up on Induction on Sunday with cauli-mash and grilled chix and I have already lost 4 YEAH!!!

    Jean, thanks for the best wishes. I am glad to hear that your levels are back in the normal range and you are back on track;):)

    Cerabella, glad you had a great cruise! And I bet you looked GREAT in your bikini.

    Hi Annie, glad to "see" you again.:)
  8. Hey Jean! Glad you had a great time in San Fran, definitely on my list of must see places.:) Thanks for making me feel better about this surgery and still being able to do Atkins. And thanks for the tip about the roughage:eek::D

    Cerabella, have a great (and well deserved) vacation.

    Just back to work today after a few days at home with hubby just lounging around. Sometimes that is just so great to do. I did stick to my WOEing with a few glasses of wine added:eek: But I am happy to report that I did not gain:) Now back to Induction.;)
  9. Hi Jocelyn :)



    That pic always makes me smile...it's my nutty Mom in Cozumel...where I will be again exactly two weeks from today!!!!!!!!!!! My husband will be with me and the last time he was there was post-Hurricane so I'm excited to show him how beautiful it truly is!






    SO FUNNY! I remember Cozumel, well that is before I went to Carlos & Charlie's, then it is all fuzzy from their:eek::D


    Have a great trip!

  10. Hello Jocelyn :)


    I had a cholecystectomy about 10 years ago and, like you, my first pain felt like a heart attack. I was a bit young for gall trouble but knew what it was because my Aunt had suffered the same symptoms. Definitely a no no on the fat...I ended up in the ER after ordering a grilled chicken sandwich that came on a croissant. :( I haven't ever had any issues post-surgery while following Atkins.


    I would suggest you do some research on adhesions (scar tissue that can form inside of you after surgery). The surgery was such a breeze that I went to West VA. shortly after and climbed around on rocks by a river. Not sure if that's what caused them but I have them and they act up every once in a while (a "pulling" feeling accompanied by pain). I'm sure there must be advice online on how to avoid them post-surgery...wish I had read up then, LOL.


    Also, about a year ago I started having pain in my upper right back quadrant that felt identical to the gall bladder pain although I knew it couldn't be pain from something I no longer had. Long story short, I did some research which led me to something called Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction...very interesting and several people feel that their pain was from SOD and that they did not need to have their gall bladder removed in the first place. I will include a link here http://yourtotalhealth.ivillage.com/sphincter-oddi-dysfunction.html for you...I always feel best if I gather lots of research, whether it be a health issue or anything else. I was never tested and the pain only bothered me for a short time and I have no idea why it happened or if it was diet related at all (I was not low carbing at the time). I include the link for you simply because it took a lot of searching to find something that matched my symptoms and thought you could file it away just in case.


    I have to say that my health has been great since I started Atkins and exercise in Feb. of this year so, as a fellow GB sufferer, I can't recommend it enough. :) I wish you much success!



    Hi Mary,

    Thank you so much for the information and the link. I really do appreciate hearing from someone that has had the surgery and is still doing Atkin's. Atkin's is the only thing that works for me; case in point I am down 2 lbs since mon:) I do feel relieved to hear that you were up and around right after the surgery. I am getting a new procedure where they do only one cut, so the recovery time should be less. Hopefully:)


    I have done some searching on the web and heard about SOD. That is what I am a little leery of, but I have a large stone so I have to get my gb removed:( I did try chinese herb and accupunture and it did help the symptoms but they do come back. I am glad to hear that your symptoms went away and that you are doing great!


    Thank you again.


    BTW, I think the picture at the bottom of your page is HILARIOUS!

  11. Hey Jocelyn! Good to see you! I'm sorry to hear about your gallstone.:eek: I'm still trucking along, & have lost almost 20 pounds this year...just more proof that Atkins is for life.


    I don't know much about gallstones. It's amazing that certain foods affect them! Let us know as the surgery gets closer so we can keep you in our prayers


    Hey Lisa! Glad to hear from you. Congrats on losing 20 this year! That's awesome. I read back a few pages that you are in a fitness club, that's a great idea to have a excercise gruop. I also love your ticker:)


    As far as the gallstone, I tried to ignore it for a while and put off surgery but I just want to get back to normal....well, normal for me:p:D My surgery is Sept 9th and I have a great Dr so I feel pretty good about it. I did go wild with the carbs though. Whew, you can sure do a lot of damage in a short amount of time.:o


    Well, I am back on track now. I got through day 1 and felt really good. I ate on plan and drank my water. I'll be checking in often, thanks for the support:)

  12. Hey Gang,

    I'm back again.....I have been away from posting for a while for a couple of reasons, but mainly b/c I have been off of Atkin's for a while.



    Here is what happened: In Dec one night after dinner I had a really bad pain and thought I was having a heart attack. So I went to the doctor and after a lot of test etc, they found out in March that I have a gallstone (I do not think it was caused by Atkin's but from my yoyo dieting). So I had to change my WOEing to Lowfat instead of Lowcarb, which BTW, is the WORST for me. I gained back all of the weight I lost on Atkin's plus 2 lbs..Nice huh.


    Anyway, after months of trial and error of what I could and could not eat that would affect my gall stone (example grilled chicked w/o skin is a no no but a steak is ok; go figure), I figured I could restart Atkin's (today:))


    So here I am again. Not hungry for the first time in months and hopeful that I can keep this up this time. I do have surgery scheduled for Sept and I have read online that people have had their gallbladders removed and still are able to do Atkin's!:) Also, I asked my doc about it and he said that they like to keep it lowfat for a few weeks after the surgery but then Atkin's shouldn't be a problem after that. So I figure I can stick to fish and soup after the surgery then get right back to it;):)


    Hey Jean & Lisa, I see you guys are still sticking to it, glad to see you are still here. I am also glad to see that this thread is still here, it does help so much. I will try to go back a few pages to catch up and see what everyone is up to. Talk to ya all later. And thanks for listening.:)

  13. Hey Everyone! I'm a Gramma!! :D:D:D

    Hannah Danielle 7 lbs-12 oz 19.25 long

    I'll get some pics next week! 6 hrs from waking up having a contraction to delivery! First one was at 3:30 am .....they headed to the hospital 7:30 - We got there at 8:30 and she was crying at 9:30 am!!

    Daddy's dimples - Momma's singing voice = Lots of Gramma's Hugs n Love!!! :D:D Oh yeah...this a weight loss thread. I had scrambled eggs & bacon for breakfast - chicken & veggies & lots of Iced tea for lunch - ribs and cole slaw for supper!! :p

    We left in such a hurry....I didn't even weigh myself!

    Catch ya all a little farther down the road...I'm exhausted! LOL!


    Congrats on being a new G'Ma Jean!!! And such a beautiful name.

  14. Hi gang,


    I had a pound gain at this week's weigh in, but it wasn't from cheating or anything...it was the blessed curse, lol...


    I'm not worried about it, because it was 5 pounds less than during last month's blessed curse. I always gain lots of water during this time.


    I think I'm getting back into the habit of exercising at least 3 times per week...I want to eventually get up to 5. DH brought home a Wii Fit, so that will help when I can't make it to the gym. I can always make it to the basement!


    Jocelyn ~ hey girl!! Good to see you!


    cerabella ~ what kind of nursery do you have? I'm in the middle of researching fruit trees & veggies to grow in my yard. I'm nervous because I know absolutely nothing about gardening, and most plants I get die. I'm a black thumb. I did manage to keep some things alive at my last house that were already there when we moved in...so I'm not totally without hope. And the crape myrtle I planted from the Arbor Society is still alive. Anyhoo...when I start, can I ask you questions about it?


    Jean ~ to answer your question a bit back...only Atkins does it for me. Low-fat just doesn't work for me...even when I am being good with my carbs, and I really can't add grains in until I'm way into pre-maintenance. Induction no longer makes me lose quickly, so once I get into ketosis I go into OWL. That's better when I exercise a lot anyway. I love fish & all kinds of veggies, so I don't feel deprived & I'm not just eating meat & cheese by any stretch. When I try to eat like a "normal" person, not even going crazy, just the "3 squares a day" type thing, I gain very quickly...even if the foods are what's considered relatively healthy by most people. I just will never be able to go beyond 90 carbs a day on a regular basis once I hit my goal. And I can't stop exercising...my youth is behind me.:D


    Hi to everyone else & happy Friday!


    Hey Lisa, Glad to "see" you also. I am the same way, only LC works for me, any kind of deviation and whammo the scale starts going in the wrong direction.


    Hi Cerabella, I like your mottos;):cool: Can you send some of that warm greenhouse weather up here, it is downright FREZZING!


    Hey Jean, I also started weighing myself everyday b/c it is a reality check for me. Esp with the dreaded weekend coming up. I always seem to snack more when I am home.


    I started my excercise program as of Wed and I feel great. I have decided to start slow ie: walk first instead of run; 25-30 minutes instead of 40; at least 3 days a week instead of manditory 5days.

    It helps me b/c I feel that I am not putting so much pressure on myself. The pressure is why I give up after a while, I go zero to 60 right out of the gate and then I feel too pressured. So my new workout motto is "Slow and Steady":D:D:D


    Have a great LC Day!

  15. Hey Jean,

    I forgot how much fun your posts are:D The cats are good. How's Sadie? Bet she's big by now.


    As for me, I got the hang of maintinence:D:eek: LOL but now I have to get the knack of losing. Still dreaming of me on the beach in a bikini, if I tried that now it would be a nightmare:D But I think Pink said one time to visualize it and it will happen so that is the direction I am going to go in now.


    I have just been very lazy with my food choices and it hasn't gotten me very far. Even though this WOEing is great and doesn't make one feel deprived, I found that I still have to be conscious of what is going into my mouth and really think about my meals. No more excuses is my new motto:D:cool:


    Talk to ya all soon.

  16. Wow! A chance to post at night! Ha!

    Well, I have been a very good girl today! And I think I'll have time to walk my treadmil tonight while watching one of my Favorite shows - The Mentalist - any one else a fan? I agree with deckguy...get something on that is entertaining and it's easier to keep on going! Jocelyn used to pop in here...she had all kinds of work out machines! Girl are you lurking around these days? The Crock pot chicken was great! Green beans and de caf tea. That's it.


    Cruise Kitty - - Glad you came on in! :) What a great post and example you are! 65 lbs! Fantastic! Welcome!


    Here's a question: How many of you are using Atkins guidelines with a little thrown in WW, Southbeach etc....?

    Now....I'm for 'whatever works for you!'....some can go induction for a long time....others a few days and no more. Your results will vary depending on how committed you are.

    I guess my question is how many of you/us have an Atkins lifestyle? Or have we been doing this for so long that we are skilled low carbers that can eat just enough to maintain....but barely lose? I'm just wondering ..............

    Had this discussion with DH tonight - he's decided to go Atkins for while, his shirts are snug! :p But we'll see how long before his sweet tooth steals him over to the "dark side' again? Annie....he'd be with your DH in line at Cinnabon! LOL!


    Ok...to much thinking for this late at night... :p;)


    Jean, you have ESP girl:D :eek:

    I haven't opened this thread in a while and I was just changing my signature and saw you just posted. I miss talking to you all daily, I just have been super busy. Not really a good excuse not to talk to my Atkin's friends though.

    I am trying to get back on track and still trying to get down to goal. I will be popping in more frequently though, you all keep me honest. Hope all is well.


  17. Hi Gang,

    Sorry I have been away for so long, but it's been a very busy end of the summer here. Finally get to enjoy it now that school is over:)


    Jean, I am so sorry to hear about your sister. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  18. Hello All:

    I just wanted to let Jean and the regular girls know that I got married (legal after 14 years of "living in sin") LOL. On Friday 08/08/08. So now Ray and I are legally married (in California). We went to the courthouse. Because we have already been together a long time, do not need toasters, blenders, etc.... And I would rather spend the money on cruising... :D And with no reception, comes no temptation.... :rolleyes:

    All politics aside it is really nice knowing that we will have all the normal rights of being spouses, hospital visiting, property, etc. We have a house, a kid, and a basset hound... So we were pretty married already.


    And I made it to the gym today hurray :D.


    Tom in Long Beach


    How wonderful! Now time to plan the Honeymoon;) :)

  19. Hey Gang,

    Well I am in the thick of finals uggh, but only have 4 more to go. I checked the scale this morning and still down the 4 so guess that is good after a weekend:D


    Hey Tom, losing inches is losing too:) Get ready for the whoosh soon though:D


    Hey Pink, I posted on your other link and I actually got on my treadmill Sat for 30 min!


    Hey Jean, what's new girl?


    Hey Lisa, how's the house going?


    Hey Donna, feeling better?


    Hey anyone I missed, how's the WOEing going?

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