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Posts posted by Denese96

  1. On 2/26/2024 at 6:06 PM, KyleDefends said:

    I am booked on the March 9 Joy cruise.  I just checked and day passes are not available as of right now for the thermal suite.  I can buy a 7 day pass for $199 per person.  I have no idea if day passes will be available after we board.

    Hmmm, I am on Joy March 16 and I called yesterday and was told the week long pass would be $249 per person. But no daily rates were available. 

    So it appears that what another poster stated has validity; the price is based on anticipated demand.

  2. Is there a way to search within a specific forum? For example I would like to see posts for 2022 sailings only. Or I would like to see posts about "how to edit your signature" only within the Help Forum. I tried to sort by "date started" to only get the most recent posts and a hodgepodge of results dating back to 2012 were displayed.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

  3. Just wondering, the folk who pack all this stuff, how long are you going away for?


    The weekend...of course! Lol


    I am a recovering over-packer. I had a relapse on my three day to an indoor water park. :)


    I love to see what people bring. Truly I have used things I never knew or thought I needed.


    The airlines stop some of the over packing.


    I am glad everyone on both sides of the packing issue are being entertained and informed.


    My thanks to all the contributors and the thread starters.


    I am going to finish my Amazon order for the Belkin Mini Surge Protector with USB suggested by another poster!

  4. As a much traveled 'light packer' I read this thread with smiles - Last trip I did was three weeks in Italy including a wonderful week at cooking school in Tuscany (my second time there and it was one of the best weeks EVER!) and I had one carry on bag and a really small body wrap purse that held a Sony Ereader, cell phone, passport money and gum! However, what I did pack that I don't see and yes, I may have missed it, is a collapsable travel umbrella! This saved us time and again for it rained on and off for 8 of the days we were there! I got ours at TJ Max but Travel Smith and Magellan's have fold flat 'briefcase' models that are fabulous! Happy Cruising! My next big grip is 6 weeks in Europe with the last 16 days being Oceania's Marina cruise from London to Rome... I'll be packing one carry one and a bigger purse!! And looking forward to the laundry room on the ship! Have great fun all....and happy travels!!


    You are my idol! As a real over-packer I have pondered what freedom it would be to travel light. I have started the process with weekend road trips. Some of the things that I HAD to have in the past, I did ok without. Some of them I wondered why was I even bringing them--lol.


    The cruise over-packing is getting better after an incident in the airport for my return flight. I had to put on some of the clothes--yes over the ones I was wearing, change into my sneakers, throw away some of the Ziploc containers I was bringing back and then repack even more stuff into my carry-on!!! So for my seven night cruise coming up, I will be packing less clothes by changing tops with the same bottom pieces, using one basic pair of dress shoes and leaving some of the nonessential "home" comforts at home.

    Thanks for the post that lets me know it really can be done. Happy traveling to you.


    Another poster mentioned some folks like the planning and some the experience. I LOVE BOTH!



  5. Janet as (IMO) an experienced cruiser, I really appreciated your list. When I first started cruising I had to depend on the ship's suggestions. Of course, I over-packed on clothes and shoes!! But sadly, he things that would have made my trips more enjoyable did not occur to me. Now,I always bring the over the shoe door hanger, the power strip AND an extension cord. Even when I am on vacation there are things I like such as music from home via iPod, being able to curl or blow dry my hair wherever in he cabin I want to, using rechargeable batteries whose charger does not take one of the precious outlets in the room, and I do bring my laptop strictly for pleasure. I am going on the Oasis this fall and I understand the outlet is inconveniently located under the vanity.


    With that said I am sure the newbies will take what they want and can afford to bring (lol) and leave the rest. If not the first cruise, definiely by the next cruise! I did!!


    Any advice would be appreciated regarding walkie talkies.


    I bought walkie talkies that never worked right. I thought it was us, but way after the time to return them, I decided it was the devices. What brand(s) do you recommend? What features should I be looking for to have an enjoyable experience with them


    PS I like the items others added to the list and the categorized take wih you list.





  6. Holy cow, I'm sitting here at work with tears in my eyes! Where are those free hat and sunglasses.. I've GOT to go out to the deck and get some before someone sees me laughing histarically!


    In all seriousnells- the list was a fantastic list of random things everyone can find useful (or not) on their cruise. Im sure the goal is to pick the few things most important/useful to you and that way you're not packing 5 suitcases and a KITCHEN SINK as your carry on!


    As far as the humor part of it, I would be laughing out loud harder but between my sunglass teather, lanyard, necklase, waterproof document holder, and bungee cords all getting tangled around my neck.... I'll have to forward this onto my DH for his enjoyment.


    Thanks again for the great pleasure of "cruise packing 100000000001"




    Now that was a visusal...now I am laughing so hard I could cry.

    To add insult to injury I am starting the packing process for my 2 week from today departure. That leaves me another week to unpack that KITCHEN SINK as I am sure they have one I can use--or perhaps I could use the one someone else brought. :D


    Thanks for a new and real prospective.

  7. 1. My cool cruisin' clothes

    2. Cruise docs

    3. Tipping money-which insure a better trip than spending money alone :)

    4. OTC Medication-avoids the high cost of "we got you hostage" medications

    5. A good sense of humor and an "I am on vacation and no one can spoil it" attitude

  8. This may be a repeat....



    Imodium from your local store.

    I had never been sick on a cruise before...

    I was sicker after visiting the infirmary and handing over almost 20 bucks for 6-8(?) pills.


    As a result (and taking a mental inventory of all the OTCs they had prominently displayed) I am taking a couple of doses of OTC medications (that I did not think I would need) to avoid paying the "we have you hostage" price on board.


    Happy Sailing



    Remember do not bring all the bottles--takes too much room.

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