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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. They have demo crab pots. As for the illegal feeding thing - that is a good point. I believe whatever they are doing must be ok - maybe I put it wrong, but my feeling was that everything was done to benefit and not harm the wildlife.
  2. I agree with the Bering Sea Crab Fishermen's tour n Ketchikan. Before our trip to Alaska last spring I asked my nephew about his cruise the year before and this tour was his hands down best tour he took. They take you to an area by boat, and as they come up, the eagles start to arrive. They throw out food and the eagles come from all over, grabbing out of the air, flying over the boat close enough to hear their wings, etc. Lots of photo opportunities! Then they start talking about crabbing & fishing, the Deadliest Catch show (which was interesting even if you haven't ever seen it), etc. They show you all types of "sea creatures" that are put back in the water, etc. I highly recommend this tour if your goal is to see eagles (and more).
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