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Posts posted by Snowmeiser

  1. Hi Folks!


    I am racking my brain, trying to figure how "how to get it done" in the right time window and get a result before I board...



    • We board Symphony of the Seas on a SATURDAY out of Florida
    • We fly from Portland, OR on the immediate preceeding THURSDAY
    • We are both fully vaccinated (even boostered!)
    • requirement is PCR or Rapid Antigen no more than 2 DAYS before boarding


    What/how/when are folks getting thier test done, getting the result in hand, and having something in hand in a timely manner to get on board?

    it just all seems so "tight" that it makes it almost impossible to meet deadlines when trying to fly, arrive, hotel, shuttle to cruise port and get on board..


    please let me know what others have found as reasonable and sufficient to "get it done" so we can plan, and be allowed on board.


    thank you!

    Jerry & Carlene


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