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Posts posted by cello44

  1. I'm sorry, to be clear - under the current rules, for an eastbound transatlantic crossing, we'd need three tests: a test before boarding to satisfy the NY Port; a test before disembarking in the UK; and, assuming we plan to stay in the UK for a few days, a test before boarding the return flight. Thank you!

  2. Thanks for the heads up regarding the unscrupulous tour operators. We have had luck in going up the cable car but ended up walking down the donkey trail due to the long line to get back down.


    Your experience sounds like a nightmare. I hope you had a nice shower and then a giant cocktail once back on board.


    We return to Santorini next summer. Thanks to your post we will either take an excursion or stay on board.


    Did you at least enjoy the sail-in to the port? All the little white buildings make it look like snow capped mountains.


    Enjoy the remainder of your cruise.



    We have loved the cruise. Great crew, great food, great suite.


    It’s funny you mention the “snow capped mountains.” My wife and I had exactly the same thought.

  3. I'm writing this from the Odyssey, now en route to Rhodes from Santorini. I've decided to simply tell my story and see what the far more experienced travelers here have to say.


    This morning, my wife and I took the tender to Fira's port. Once on land we walked to the cable car and found that the line of people waiting to ride up the hill to Fira was quite long. Some locals were touting a speedboat to Oia that would be leaving "in ten minutes"; we, and at least a few others at the end of the cable car queue, took the bait. For 15 Euros apiece (iirc), we bought tickets for the speedboat ride to Oia, a bus ride up the long steep hill from Oia's port into the town, and a bus ride back from Oia to Fira. We found out later that Seabourn recommends this service.


    We boarded the speedboat and sat with other increasingly angry passengers as ten minutes - one couple who boarded shortly after us was told the boat would leave in "4 minutes" - became 45 minutes. When the discussion of demands for refunds became loud enough, a boat full of unhappy people left for Oia.


    The boat ride to Oia is relatively short and pretty. Unfortunately, docking space in Oia (Ammoudi) is very limited, so we sat in the sun and waited another 10-15 minutes before being released.


    With no direction from the crew, we wandered uphill from the port and eventually found a group of people with tickets that looked like ours. A man working with another travel group kindly told us that our bus would arrive soon. We all waited in the sun for 5 minutes or so, then the bus appeared and transported us to a lot located an easy walk from the center of town.


    Time elapsed since the tender: well over an hour.


    Oia itself was hot and mobbed. My wife bought a pair of shoes and then, after perhaps half an hour, we decided we'd had enough of beautiful Oia.

    We'd noticed long lines for the buses back to Fira, so we looked for a cab as we walked back to the bus lot. There were no cabs to be found anywhere. We finally reached the bus lot and joined a group of people trying to elbow and push onto a bus. We didn't quite make it, but were told another bus would arrive 20 minutes, and so it did.

    The bus operator made no effort to establish a line for the bus; soon we were part of disorganized mass of people jockeying for position. When the bus arrived, the mass crushed up against its door. The driver began yelling at the crowd to stop, to watch out for children, to stop pushing, etc. An all-out elbowing and shoving match broke out anyway; my wife and I were fortunate to make it to the bus with minimal damage. The situation IMO was borderline dangerous.

    The trip back to Fira was uneventful. Having had our fill of Santorini, we made our way to the cable car, only to find a huge line of people waiting to return to the port. We decided to walk down the hill rather than wait for the cable car. The path down to the port is not well marked, but kind store clerks gave us directions and we advanced slowly. Once past the last of the stores the descent truly began. The steps were uneven and slippery ... and then we encountered the donkeys.

    One can ride a donkey up, and I believe down to the port. There were many, many donkeys. The aroma of donkey was overpowering. There was much evidence of donkey traffic all over the path to the port. The donkeys were not inclined to change their path for anyone; we encountered a number of tourist donkey riders hanging on for dear life and repeating, apologetically, "I have no control." On a more serious note, we saw a woman slip on some of the aforementioned evidence of donkey traffic and take a hard fall. She was alive the last time we saw her.

    After much pressing against walls to avoid donkeys and many deft steps to avoid donkey droppings, we finally reached the port, only to find yet another mob. The Seabourn tent was nowhere to be seen, so we headed in what we thought was the right direction. A very long line had formed for another ship's tender. We had to pass repeatedly through the line until at

    last we saw the Seabourn shield, and were whisked away to comfort.

    Why am I writing this? First, as a warning: if you cannot avoid visiting massively overrated Santorini, then visit only in the shoulder or off seasons.

    Second, when I returned to the ship and spoke to several Seabourn employees, it became clear to me that Seabourn is well aware that Santorini is overwhelmed when invaded by the passengers of even a relatively few cruise ships. They're aware of the resulting serious transportation difficulties. They apparently recommend the crooks who run the speedboat to Oia. They're aware of the long wait for the cable car and the perils of the walk back to the port.

    And yet they do little to warn passengers. We met many other passengers who had unpleasant or frustrating experiences in Santorini.

    The port information sheet did not mention crowding or transportation difficulties or any such issues

    Here's what the Herald said that's relevant:

    "Santorini is no secret and draws crowds for most of the year,
    yet it wears its tourism well
    and its offerings make it worth the bustle."

    One employee told us that crowding was mentioned during the port meeting; I did not attend, so I can’t speak to that. But IMO given the seriousness of the problems on Santorini, they need to provide a prominent warning to passengers in the Herald and port information sheet.

    My discussions with Seabourn employees left me with the conclusion Seabourn doesn't care.

    Thank you in advance for your replies.






  4. Our recent Odyssey cruise was terrific. We loved our stewardess; all the other crew we met were cheerful and helpful and professional. The food was great. Our cabin was perfect. We enjoyed the ports. My only complaints were trivial: the long lunch break for the shuttle bus drivers, and the dreadful internet - those old enough to remember longed for the days of dial-up.


    We met another couple whose description of their Odyssey experience surprised us. They complained of the strong odor coming from the new carpet; their unfriendly and unhappy stewardess; the poorly cleaned cabin; the new restaurant that had not opened as promised; the murky water in the pool; and other issues.


    As you've perhaps guessed, we were on the same cruise.


    I once posted here about a dreadful Silversea cruise, only to receive strong disagreement from fellow passengers who loved the same voyage.


    I find it all interesting. I'm reminded once again how very difficult it is to run a business offering luxury services priced for near perfection.

  5. Can anyone on the Odyssey confirm that the TK Grill is open? I managed to make a reservation on-line for my wife and me on our September 23 cruise. I'm still interested if anyone has a menu he or she could post.:confused:


    Not open as of May 16, sorry.

  6. I check Seabourn's site and this one regularly hoping to find that Seabourn has prohibited balcony smoking. My wife and I would love to come back to Seabourn; we tried Silversea, it was fine, but for many reasons we much prefer Seabourn. I will keep checking and hoping.

  7. I just wish they would simply charge an extra $50 per diem per person and put it all into ingredients. There is still clearly a market for genuine excellence rather than marketing puff. At this end of the market, if the product genuinely improved people will pay a bit more.


    If they did that it would remove a show stopper for many.






    Spot on IMO.

  8. I, too, am on the Whisper, staying on for a B2B, and I really don't understand this complaint - but then I don't eat bacon, sausages and hamburgers - maybe that's it?




    Certainly the subtle and yet ebullient flavor of the Colonel's Original Recipe would be wasted on you. ;)


    Smooth sailing, cello44

  9. Writing from the Whisper. First time with Silversea, all prior experiences with Seabourn. Left Seabourn because of their smoking policy - had a smoker on the balcony next door.


    The food on our cruise has been wretched, just bad. So many easy things done badly - bacon too greasy, hamburgers improperly cooked, sausage mealy and flavorless, bread stale, the penne pasta lifeless and heavy, and so on. These are no brainers. Tried Le Champagne, it was fine - faint praise for what is supposed to be epic dining. I really missed Seabourn's coffee bar.


    I acknowledge that food is very subjective - I mentioned our disappointment in passing in another thread and a fellow passenger with far more cruise experience disagreed. Fair enough. There are many things about the cruise to praise, in particular, the superb crew. We have really liked the crew.


    We won't be back; if the Whisper were docked next to a KFC, I'd have the chicken.

  10. OP here, five days into the cruise I find our "butler" has been very helpful, an interesting guy who's lived all over the world. My opinion of the concept hasn't changed, however.


    The food has been a surprising disappointment, but that's another thread.


    PS Silver Whisper, in Aruba today.

  11. Thank you for the many replies.


    Those who suggest simply communicating with the butler are no doubt correct.


    I've discovered that we need to establish clearer butler boundaries - for example, if the "Privacy" sign is displayed, please do not knock, buzz, and then enter to find us napping.


    I find the butler concept a bit pretentious, and also outdated and unnecessary. Perhaps we should have played along with the reenactment and brought my wife's grandmother's giant trunk for the poor man to unpack. Simply maintaining the thing onboard would have required rearrangement of the ship's ballast.


    Silversea is an interesting change from Seabourn and of course a day and a half is hardly enough time to make an informed comparison. Silversea's staff, so far, seem very attentive and friendly.


    Cheers, Cello

  12. Anyone else prefer not to have what I recognize is intended as a wonderful amenity? Butler is well intentioned, eager to please and no doubt superbly trained - no criticism of the person, only the concept. I just want to be left alone, and do things myself, not feel I have to butlersit, not have someone monitoring my every move, who will be offended if I can in room dining directly. Dreading the next 7 days.

  13. Good grief, this has become overly complicated.


    If the rules permit smoking, then by all means smoke!


    I prefer a balcony.


    I prefer a wife.


    My wife prefers a balcony without smoke.


    Seabourn doesn't seem to offer a balcony without smoke.


    So, I've booked on Silversea.


    Not very complicated.

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