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Posts posted by Mjm49eyes

  1. I want to purchase the BOGO dinner for a party of 5 but the only choice of time is 9pm. That is way too late. Anyone have experience on changing the time with a group of 5? Do you think they would credit us if they can't change the time onboard? Thank you:)

  2. My husband and I did Atlantis with my 3 year old son a few years ago. We did buy the pass from the cruise ship, however, there was no charge for my son since he was 3 or younger. It cost a lot but well worth it. We had a blast!!! My son and I did the "lazy" river many times. We got a double tube and he wore a life vest that they provide free of charge and had lots of fun. I would do it again in a heart beat - in fact we are doing it again this coming August! We got there by 10am and left at 4ish. If you don't have at least 6 hrs at port, then I would pass.

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