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Posts posted by seluased

  1. Very excited for my first solo cruise! I'm in my late 20s & single. The vast majority of my friends are in relationships, which makes traveling with them awkward for me, or they'd rather do vacations with other couples. Or they're on a different budget than I am, or if they're going to travel, want to do sun & beach, where as I'm going to Canada! Or even trying to get schedules to mesh is really hard (I prefer traveling off-season, whereas some friends are teachers and can only go during the summer, etc).


    I had a very specific itinerary I wanted to do, and no one to do it with, so solo it is! I'm ridiculously independent, and have traveled alone before, and it doesn't bother me at all. I like choosing where *I* want to go, when *I* want to go, and only do the excursions *I* want. I like having total control of everything. :)


    I'm not worried about being a solo traveler, since I'm only doing excursions through the ship. Meal times in the main dining room can be a bit awkward while alone, but that's what the Kindle is for. And I figure I"ll meet people. And if not, that's okay, too. You'll find me lounging in the sun with a book. :)


    The one and only thing I don't like about solo cruising (and I haven't gone yet) is having to pay the double-occupancy price for one person.

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