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Posts posted by mp2010

  1. Last weekend, all of my promos disappeared, and I had a ton of dinner charges listed. I called and had it corrected, but then it happened again! Another call had the promos re-added, but then they tried to charge me gratuities a second time. It took 3 days to sort it out, transferred from department to department, and once being disconnected after an hour on the phone. It is all sorted now, but I encourage everyone to check their accounts to make sure all is correct.

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  2. I'm absolutely loving this review! It is so entertaining! We are going on the Navigator in September for an Eastern Med cruise, but your review is making me want to do this itinerary in the future.


    I also wanted to share my own personal alarm story. My mother had bought one for me while I was in college, and I never had to use it. One day something jostled in my purse and it went off - WHILE I WAS DRIVING! Talk about scaring the you-know-what out of me. I'm surprised I didn't have an accident. It took me several minutes to figure out how to turn it off!

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