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Posts posted by emmyp_14

  1. In a nut shell…


    7 adults. 2 kids (8 years old and 1 year old) flying into Ft. L the day prior. I am personally wanting to get as far into Miami as we can so that we can get to the cruise port easier next day. Was just looking at snagging a Lyft:Uber to get to a Miami hotel then Lyft/Uber to the port (yes we have a car seat.) Mom is wanting to stay in Hollywood and then take a shuttle the next morning that the hotel provides. Makes me nervous because I haven’t seen the best reviews In Regards to hotels and their shuttle service. 

    if you have been on this same “itinerary” what worked for you? 

    thanks in advance!

  2. Thank you so much for the reply! I did not like that room and have since then switched to 9287, I was told it was a "half-covered" balcony? I have been searching for photos with no luck! :( Any help appreciated! I saw it was the last ship on the right side and has NO lifeboats underneath! YAHOO!!


    Any details/explanation on what a half covered balcony at 9287 is!?


    Thank you!:D:D:D:D:D

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