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Posts posted by smi889

  1. On 5/16/2021 at 10:35 PM, edgee said:

    Yes, the smoke from the casino infiltrates other spaces. If your wife is extremely sensitive to smoke, any of the ships that have casino smoking are going to be a problem if you are out and about on the ship, mostly in the evenings. For this reason, some of us have been courteously suggesting other alternatives, as the Nieuw Statendam will likely not work for you, based on the criteria you have laid out.


  2. Wearing a mask being mandatory outside your cabin is like talking about smoking onboard. I don't think we have gotten a definitive answer on the effectiveness of wearing a mask for the Chinese Flu. Since the whole thing started we have been lied to, been scare mongered, and seen so many in the Health Institutions disagreeing with each other, you wonder if anyone knows anything. All I believe is if you get it, get treated early, don't wait to go on a ventilator. That is a death warrant. I believe the Medical Team onboard should have the supplies to treat it. Just my thoughts. I would not cruise if it is mandatory to wear a mask when outside my cabin.

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  3. 12 hours ago, OmarOak said:

    I have to take issue here:


    1. Second hand smoke does in fact expose an individual to carcinogens, perhaps less than the person directly inhaling from the source but still significant exposure. There is science behind regulations designed to limit exposure to second hand smoke.


    2. I appreciate your feeling sorry for people like me who "believe all the doom and gloom like following the 16 year old Greta from Sweden." There is another word for that "doom and gloom", its called science.

    I would like to see that scientific study. I've been around long enough that I lived through the cooling scare, global warming, and now climate change. A lot of this type of science is based on how much grant money they can get.Linda of like our politicians staying in office to see how much wealth they can accumulate. Put that air quality monitor in a Casino and get some real research.  

  4. 6 hours ago, DivotMaker said:


    Is it your position that secondhand smoke poses zero risk to non-smokers?

    I would say that if you got in a smoker's face as he/she was dragging on it you might get some smoke but the smoker already inhaled the carcinogens. Smell of smoke is a different animal. I can't stand it either in an enclosed non ventilated area. I just feel sorry for people that believe all the doom and gloom, like following the 16 year old, Greta, from Sweden. then again there are ships that don't allow smoking in the Casino. Life is full of choices isn't it?

  5. On 10/14/2019 at 11:03 PM, ChasDot said:

     Amazing how people think their rights to keep people from smoking Trumps smokers rights. Smokers pay just as much for the cruise as y'all do . If a smoker is in a designated smoking area he or she should be able to smoke . I agree not in cabins or public areas of the ships. If you get a whiff of smoke too bad stay out of the smoking areas. Smokers do not come into your area.  I have more issues with people that use a  scooters , parking them in the lido buffet  isles while they walk to get their food ,or  set in a chair and eat. making other guests walk around their scooter.  Or unruly children, on some cruises playing tag in the elevators and in the hall ways. Or allowing their small children to snorkel in the hot tub due to the fact that the pool is too deep . And Keep your hands out of the food at the Lido Buffet, HAL provides utensils  to grab the food,

      I do not care how many cruises you have been on. You may be able to board, and depart before  me . but if I'am in line at the buffet , Or to enter the theater . You have no right what so ever to crowd in front of me and my wife . There are people aboard ship that had to scrimp and save even to be able to take a cruise  don't be a jerk about ,they and I do not care how  many cruises you have been on !!!!  P.S I do not smoke 


  6. On 8/16/2019 at 3:31 PM, Sheila2 said:

    Tom: My apologies. I didn’t think you were trying to flame me. My comment was general and I should know enough to stay away from this thread, but I had a question . I will never defend smoking but as long as I follow the rules I don’t think it’s necessary to insult my choices, poor though they be. Sorry, off my soapbox now.

    As a smoker I know where your coming from. Been through it many times just trying to get information and follow the rules. Lot of nasty people in this world. It's all about them.

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  7. 5 hours ago, edgee said:

    Let's see, you are listed as having just 56 posts on CC and all that are available by searching (over 1/3 of them) are devoted to this thread. Many of your suggestions like "find another deck to walk on" or "avoid walking through the casino" are not realistic options on many ships. Suggest you find another thread/subject for your trolling.

    So I'm the bad guy on all about smoking on Holland by adding my two cents in as a smoker. Really seems that this thread is all about poor me I can't stand nasty smokers. " Find another deck to walk" on is realistic. Most elevators go to all floors on the forward, mid and aft of a ship, at least all that I have been on. I find that when a group of anti-smokers get an opportunity to vent we hear all the doom and gloom about second hand smoke killing off the World population. Come on folks, get realistic, my smoke really doesn't hurt anyone but myself. Now if you were really serious about smoking on the ships you wouldn't be gossiping on this post. You can complain to the Cruise Lines about smoking as I do about more area to smoke or simply chose not to go on a particular ship. I always check the smoking areas before I book. If I don't like it I don't go on that particular ship. We all have choices! Now go hug a tree and you might feel better.

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  8. On 7/22/2019 at 9:25 PM, edgee said:

    So it has been proven that second hand smoke causes cancer. You are saying that smokers should have the right  to harm people by causing cancer as they exercise their legal right to smoke in public venues.  I guess, you also are saying that if people do not want to have their lives threatened by second hand smoke, they need to avoid public venues where smokers are present because smokers should not be asked to modify their behavior. Okay, thanks for laying out your argument. I and many others disagree.


    On 7/24/2019 at 7:26 PM, srpilo said:

    Contact your legislator's and change the law's that's the way the system works , but until then, like drunk driver's, or gun violence as examples, and of course smoking  there will always be a cost to society for individual freedom's. We as apart of a free society can't pick and choose what we feel should be someone else's right's, even if their right's comes  at a personal cost to ourselves...  That's advanced CIVIC's 101


    So ..Yes, that exactly what I'm saying.



    The most intelligent post on the whole forum!

  9. Well we all know now that smoking isn't good for your lungs, but I don't think sitting in a car in traffic is very good for the lungs either. So what you are saying is that every non-smoker that gets lung cancer is from second hand smoke? This subject could go on forever. That's like Cruise Lines saying it's because ashes can blow back in and cause a fire which they have never proven. All I say is give some covered space out of the elements.

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  10. To all my non-smoking friends? If you all hadn't been such drama queens about smoking on ships it wouldn't be so bad in the Casinos. What's wrong with smoking on like the promenade deck where it's open, the ships moving, and you really don't have to stand right next to me. No wonder kids now are called snowflakes, their parents sheltered them from everything. The Casinos stink, I agree, but there isn't many other places for smokers to go and we are really nice people.

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