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Posts posted by stusclan

  1. China Addict complains that they did not know the cost of the medications until the next day so they were unable to protest the cost. While I agree that the medical staff should have been able to answer your questions about cost at the time of treatment, do you really think that your protests would have changed the cost? Would you not take the medicine because of the cost? Not me.



    On a recent NCL cruise, my wife needed medical treatment over two days including intravenous antibiotics. The doctors and medical staff treated us with professionalism, care and kindness. They also told us the full cost in advance and explained that they do not take insurance and we would need to pay the bill of about $3,800. As others have said, that's one of the many reasons we buy travel insurance. The cost of the insurance for this cruise was only about $150, and after coordination with my regular health insurance, all we paid was a $50 deductible. Like most insurance, you only have to use it once for it to more than pay for itself. I can probably cruise for the rest of my life, continue buying travel insurance, and still be ahead financially.

  2. In the words of the Eagles, "Get Over it!" I'll have plenty of time to drink and enjoy on the cruise. I'm more than happy to learn the emergency procedures during the drill, and agree that it could save your life. Also, unless we were torpedoed and the ship was sinking fast, I would go back to my cabin to get a jacket, good shoes, medicines and anything else that would help me and my family survive in a lifeboat. I would also want to get my life preserver to be certain that I had one.



    Maybe those that do not go to the drill should be labeled as voluntary sacrifices and left to feed the sharks.

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