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Posts posted by waynenjanice

  1. We were stuck in a Covid Hotel in Venice for 25 days after one of us tested positive on the next to last day of a Uniworld trip.  We were pushed into a special taxi and were sent to a hotel used for covid positive people in Venice.  Uniworld communication was nil, we had no idea about who was paying for what, and the English doc in the room we couldn't leave was greatly uninformative.  We ended up having to pay for the hotel and pay for the food we had to order since we could not leave the room.  Since we both had 2 shots we had a mild case of the virus so we did not have to go to a hospital.  We had to wait 10 days for the first re-test and by then the other one had it.  It wasn't until day 25 that both of us had negative tests in our hands.  Our insurance paid nothing towards the hotel stay nor the food - is there one that will if this happens again?  [Note: we were able to order tissues, thermometer, a fan since the room AC was not operational, and other items from amazon.IT  It may have been literally a life save.] 

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