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Posts posted by numbersgirl

  1. Thanks everyone and thankyou terry for that great review. I enjoyed reading it yesterday.


    We have decided on solstice as I completely forgot that we need to keep December free for our sons year 12 presentation day. So that made the decision a lot easier for us.


    We will fly over a few days earlier and explore Auckland (hubby will probably do the jump off sky tower).


    Plus the price is comparable to the radiance cruise even factoring in airfares.


    It's also good that it's a new ship for both of us. Hubby won't have to listen to me comparing radiance and voyager again lol.


    We are also really looking forward to Hobart and seeing port Arthur.

  2. Hi,


    Hubby and I are looking at what cruise to do November or December this year and have decided on New Zealand.


    We are tossing up between 2 cruises: 14 nights on radiance from Sydney or fly to Auckland and do 12 nights back to sydney on solstice.


    I have been on voyager to New Zealand and we both went on radiance last year.


    I think we'd both like to do radiance again but the timing isn't the best and on solstice we would get to spend a day in Tasmania.


    Which ship is better (I know that this would be subjective) and what differences would we notice as compared to royal?


    We are both early 40s and would have no children with us...

  3. Hi,


    On my last cruise in December on Royal Caribbean I purchased a FCC and was led to believe that at the time of booking my next cruise this would be my deposit (as opposed to $400 deposit - 14night cruise). I understood that anyone else in my cabin pays $100 at time of booking


    Forward to yesterday when I attended a cruise expo ( no cheaper btw) and travel agent said that with FCC we still pay full deposit?


    This to me makes no sense as I then can't see benefit of FCC (other than maybe obc).


    Can someone please clarify for me...

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