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Posts posted by couchy

  1. Hay ladies !! Ok let me first let mesay my body is killing me!! I think its is its way of saying "please no cardio today"!! I've been going at it hard and today waking up, took effort!!! I didwork my upper body and abs, but I think I need to take today off from cardio. As much as I feel guilty, I just feel so crappy....But On a brighter note(lol) some of you ladies will be leaving soon for your cruises!! You know its so hard not to gain weight on one, even if you do exercise still and watch what you eat(which i will already say I won't, but I will exercise, "try") I mean they way cook on a cruise , they use so many more seasonings and salt than we ever do at home, so no wonder a couple days into the cruise you feel bloated!! LOL !

    I've learned though , trying to think where I read it to take something with a diaretic (sp) with you . Kinda like something for PMS , I took pamprin with me last yr and that helped..I took a couple a day and it helped with avoiding the cankles!!! And I drink alot of water(but to be honest more booze on the cruise) Well As far as different workout tapes or DVDs, I love anything by Gilad, he does that bodies in motion and getting fit on Discovery channel..Also I still love old tae bo, just take it down a notch if your bothered by the jumping...Slim in Six is pretty good, I could go on and on I have quite the Library, lol!!


    I know what you mean about the body asking for a day of no cardio. I woke up today and my body is screaming at me:rolleyes:

    I am going to try to make some decent choices on my cruise in a couple weeks but I am trying to be realistic with myself as well. I know getting enough water is hard for me on vaca because I always tend to reach for the booze instead:D


    In our count but not pounds..

    Welcome to all our newbies!


    Just a few points:

    *The scale is a cruel GOD to judge your day by, so an 0.8 pounds is not a big deal...I would bet that you have lost it by now.

    *Another great tip that I have found is to start each day with a cup of warm water and a squeeze or two of lemon juice. You will feel great, trust me!


    It's been diffcult for me to exercise this week (Sunday is supposed to be my off day and Monday too much work and drama) BUT today no matter what happens I am going to crank up those DVD's. I did buy two great new dresses for the cruise and my sweetie was so pleased. They look great!


    Let's all keep up the great work! Together we can do this, no matter what your number of pounds to lose or days to depature.


    Hugs to all!


    Thanks Donna for the encouragement. I know the scale stinks:mad:

    I am trying so hard, but my will power is sometimes dreadfully weak:eek:


    I am really just trying to get these last few lbs off quickly but I may have to settle for slower progress and be alright with it mentally. I know that it is not a sprint I just have to let that work its way into my heart:o



    Hello to our new members. Keep your chin up and keep exercising

  2. Feeling a bit frustrated today. I thought I did ok over the weekend but maybe not. I was up .8. Hoping it was sodium and it will be gone by tomorrow. I have been working out hard 6x a week. I just need to make good food choices :o


    I leave in a little over 2 weeks for that first cruise and I am excited and nervous.

    Can't wait for the cruise but also don't want to gain 5lbs:eek: I know what to do to not gain I just don't know if I will have the will power to do it. Anyways... this week will be a good for me I know it


    Hope everyone else is hanging in there... sunlover - I am right there with you with this last 5-10lbs.... the hardest ones:rolleyes:


    Have a great week everyone

  3. Hello Ladies:


    Good news... I am down 1.8 lbs this week. I am very excited. Three days with no wine :eek: and no eating out. I also exercised a lot so that helped. Here comes the weekend :eek: This is where I typically fail. I told my husband to keep me on track this weekend. My goal is not to gain anything back. I think I will be ok tonight. I am taking my dad to a hockey game for his b day. I don't like the food options there so there will be no temptation. I also do not like any of their wine or liquor choices and I don't drink beer so no alcohol again today:D


    Tomorrow the plan is a looonnnnng run. This is normal on Saturdays. We then are going out to dinner but it is a seafood place and i always ordered my fish dry and just squeeze some lemon on it. I will probably have a drink here( maybe 2:rolleyes:) I told my husband not to let me go overboard or to have another drink after we get home.


    Here's to a no sabotage weekend :o

    Good luck to everyone

  4. Yes, I do glass my big glass or two of wine for stress each night. But here's how I been able to control it and lose some weight:


    1. I try very hard to only have wine on the weekends...and sometimes the weekend starts on Thursday night but it does help.


    2. During the week when I get home from work and find myself reaching for the corkscrew, I grab the DVD remote instead and do a workout DVD instead (I love my Les Mills Pump and Combat). Generally by the time I have completed the class I find that I really don't want the wine (as much).


    3. I drink a bottle of soda water each evening instead as well. That gives me something to "do"


    Those are just my little tips...


    So glad that the newbies have joined us...welcome to our party!!!!


    Hugs to y'all



    Thanks Donna and Joly for the encouragement:)

    Donna - my problem is once the 1st glass goes down I am very easily persuaded in a 2nd glass. If I have that 2nd drink I tend to eat again and I am more apt to make poor decisions on food choices. I am currently on the no drinking during the week rule and have survived the first 3 nights :rolleyes:


    My second issue is I love eating out. Eating out means a couple drinks and I can usually make ok food choices at dinner but 2 hours later I am hungry because I had more than 1 drink :eek: Its a nasty little cycle. I am working on it though


    YOu know Donna, I think if we ever cruised together we'd get into ALOT of trouble, lol! And I feel like my cold is getting better by the minute, lol:)


    I could definitely help make a nice little bar tab with you ladies :D

  5. Hi! I have been reading your thread and it is so encouraging:)

    Congrats to everyone who is getting motivated and having success

    I need people to help motivate and support me as I have been struggling lately:(


    I need to lose only about 8-9 lbs but it has been this way for about 2 months despite trying :rolleyes: Not a whole lot but my clothes are so uncomfortable and I refuse to buy more


    I exercise daily...it is not an issue. I can run or bike forever and am an endurance athlete... I struggle with food. I can pack it away and always want to. My goal is to maintain my exercise but be better with food, 1600 calories a day and cutting back on alcohol( no more daily glass of wine), and cutting back on sweets. Once I taste a sweet treat I want more.


    I have 2 cruises coming up. One in a month and one in about 10 weeks. Hopefully I can lose a few lbs before the first one, stay steady and then lose a few more by the second one. If I lose a lb a week I should be good to go for the second cruise. This should be an attainable goal with my running schedule. Here goes :cool:

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