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    New York City
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Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. Ugh, I am a bit nervous as now it is two storms that are circulating. Do you think we will have any change in ports? I am most nervous about possible rough seas. I get pretty sick and taking my 3 year old on her first cruise who also suffers from motion sickness. I have bands and dramamine and ear patches .... crossing my fingers that we miss them!
  2. Hi Everyone, 10 Days woohooo!!! I snagged the 11am - 11:30 check in time. Is everyone as excited as I am? For those who use Facebook, we have a Venezia 8/31 - 9/8 group if you would like to join. Also on that page, you can sign up for different events such a slot pull, meet and greet etc. 🙂
  3. Hi Latebloomer56, I also saw that a lot of the negative reviews have died down so that is exciting. I continually read the reports back on the Venezia FB group I am in and am happy that there have been tons of good stuff to read. Can't believe the time is rapidly approaching finally, less than 4 weeks now 🙂
  4. Hi Everyone 🙂 I haven't popped on in a bit and happy to see that there has been some traction. It was a bit dead at first as the ship was new and there was not much to report. However, now that we have had their first voyage, we have received lots of videos and reports. Some great and some not so good as should be expected with a new ship. I'm hoping a lot of the kinks will be worked out prior to our departure :) I'm traveling with my husband and 3.5 year old toddler, my father and step mom. Looking forward to it!
  5. Can I ask why is it not for children? I am already booked so no changing it now
  6. Anyone else partaking in this cruise? I haven't sailed Carnival in quite some time and looking forward to this new ship out of NYC. A group of 5 here with one 3 year old Toddler if anyone also young ones :)
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