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Posts posted by Folgers111

  1. Had to laugh at Rick’s screed against ugly American tourists when he identified my home state of New Jersey as the mother lode of ugly Americans. I get his point, but what he’s really identifying is inexperienced tourists likely having a great time. When you go to Europe 100s of times you get sophisticated, even jaded. Too bad Rick only envisions one way of visiting Europe, his way. Like that other Jersey guy, I’ll do it my way.

  2. Was there an incident that led to Viking changing their policy? Was it just a general feeling the older passengers don’t want to be around children or did something happen to make them realize that children shouldn’t be on Viking?

  3. They might not need people to monitor the TVs. They could use facial recognition like at the airports, and if you’re child is out after curfew you get a robocall. Of the situation isn’t remedied, off your family goes at the next dock and the cruise line keeps the balance of your fare.


    It would also be possible, and I wonder if the police have this already, software that analyzes video for fighting, weapons, or nudity. If a person is perched on the railing at 3 am, software could send an alert.


    And clearly expecting a bartender to guess who is intoxicated is absurd. Software could analyze the speed at which you’re ordering and alert the bartender to slow you down, suggest you take a break, cut you off, alert security or any of a number of actions. If would be far easier for a bartender to tell you the computer says you can’t have another drink for 30 minutes than for the bartender to tell you his personal observation is that you’re drunk.

  4. They could change their procedures by strictly enforcing curfew. Kid out after midnight, you and your family are off at the next dock. Would cut down on parents who arent aware of where their minor children are.


    Could also use sail cards to meter drinking. Bartenders shouldnt guess if a person is intoxicated. The computer could cut passengers off if theyve had more than 3 drinks.


    Hiring a couple dozen extra TV watchers would actually not cost the cruise ship because they could pass these costs on to passengers.


    The anything goes nature of cruising is likely ending as the industry grows and matures. Lawyers seeking a windfall from deep pocket corporations is a reality of America now and the cruise industry needs to get with the times.

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