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Posts posted by jdavison

  1. Was that Park West or the other company that took their place for a few years- Art Actually? They were truly horrible about sending art- took many months to get stuff. One of the reason they failed and Park West came back.




    It was Park West. I still have all the correspondence. Personally, it was the worse business transaction I’ve ever dealt with. I’m only speaking from my personal experience. Others, may have had better luck.



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  2. Yes - I have. I love the purchases (yes, plural) I've made with them. As for the person who said they "heard" that purchases take a long time - that depends on what you consider "long". My purchases have typically taken about 6-8 weeks to get. That's not bad at all imo, and it's ALWAYS come in excellent condition, as I ordered it. Don't assume what you "hear" as always the truth. The thing about Park West is that you're mostly going to hear from the people who have something bad to say (and many times, uninformed opinions), and not hear from the people happy with their purchases. As I always tell people - buy what you like, don't buy something because you think it's going to be valuable some day (or today, for that matter). If you paid good money for something you aren't thrilled to hang in your home, you not only threw your money away, you're a fool for doing so. And just remember, the next time you want to knock those people at the auctions for "sipping the bad champagne", remember - some of them (us) are members of this message board, too. By the way - I've never seen a single person forced to buy something they didn't want.




    My experience was quite different. My piece took over 6 months to arrive and it took many calls and emails to get it.



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