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Kristiansand Tourist Info

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Posts posted by Kristiansand Tourist Info

  1. That's the first "warning" or "con" when visiting Norway: "it is expensive!"


    Check out this photo showing the MENU at a local, popular restaurant @ Kristiansand -


    to have a general idea about the local food & beverages PRICES:




    First of all - great to see you are all doing a lot of research before coming here.


    If you want to have a look at the ships calling in Kristiansand, please have a look at http://www.kristiansandhavn.no/Aktivitet-i-havna/Cruiseterminalen/Oversikt-over-Cruiseanlop/~/media/Documents/Cruiseanlop/Anløpsliste%20for%20Cruise%202013.ashx


    Please do not hesitate to contact us at Visit Kristiansand if you need any information or have any questions - www-visitkrs.no


    Kind regards,

    Kristiansand Tourist Office

  2. Hello,



    We, the local tourist office, are in Rådhusgata 6, a ten minute stroll from the cruise harbour. Our website is www.visitkrs.no and we are on Facebook as well. :)

    At the cruise harbour there is an information booth that has free maps and information.

    Do let us know if you have any queries or need any further information - either on here or through our website.



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