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Posts posted by Deangriff77

  1. Hi there guys. We made the complaint and so far we have been very happy with the response.


    We have had a bottle of champagne as way of apology for the "borrowing money" thing. We have been promised an apology from the catering top guy and you're right, his name isn't Phil. So far, I am very happy and feel like they actually care, the follow up has been first class.

  2. On board right now. Having a pretty poor experience. Had one customer service rep try to get me to lend him 20 dollars to cover a mistake he made. Had a bar guy refuse to serve us due to a problem with the card kept sending us back to reception even though reception kept saying there was no problem. Turns out, he didnt want to write out a physical receipt, the entire time we were there he ignored us by reading the cruise news rather than deal with us. Then, we decided to get a bite to eat, only to be told that the wind jammer was running late then we were PHYSICALLY removed. Seriously, the manager, a guy named Phil, physically put his hands on us and ushered us backwards out of hallway. I couldn't believe it. Thing is, I have never complained before but am seriously thinking about complaining this time. It's like the crew hate us. Thing is, I've got two more cruises booked and paid for with RC and am now considering just not going due to this experience. I need help on how to complain without having to experience any more negativity during my last two days on board.

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