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Wheeling & cruising

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Posts posted by Wheeling & cruising

  1. Hi, there joy of travelling!   My husband  also has a spinal cord injury C6C7.  We take our own commode/shower chair with us.  It’s a pain but we have not been able to rent a commode that is comfortable.

    taxi drivers are not overly happy with 2 chairs.  On our commode I take the big back wheels off and set the chair upside down on one of the back seats.

    if you are flying it flys with the odd size luggage such as golf bags or baby strollers.


    i hope that helps


  2. On 12/24/2019 at 6:00 PM, Pootersmom said:

    My husband is a paraplegic.  We took a cruise for our honeymoon about six years ago and had a great time.  My husbands physical strength has deteriorated and he no longer believes he could manage the toilets found on cruise ships.  Normal commodes have a tank which positions the seat about a foot from the wall.  Cruise ship commodes have the seats project directly from the wall.  He mounts the commode facing toward the wall and without that 12 inches between the seat and the wall,  there is no place for his legs.  He has been a paraplegic for 37 years and facing away from the wall is not an option for him.  Has anybody ever faced this challenge and found a good solution for it?


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